Apparent ‘FBI Bulletin’ about Armed 50 State Protest

Couldn’t agree more. I just hope that there aren’t a bunch of ignorant f***s who turn out for this thing and potentially end up in firefights or whatever with whomever and ultimately continue to make life more difficult for people who exercise our 2A rights.

do I care? Meh, not really. Never comply. But still it’s just stressful seeing this shit in the news everyday.

I feel personally attacked for loving my country. It saddens me to see fellow Americans chanting USA on an airplane, getting forcefully removed for expressing their freedom of speech. It’s becoming normal to not express your love for the USA and it’s frightening.
I haven't seen this bulletin get disseminated at my job. I'll let you know if it actually exists, or its fan fiction
It was posted on western rifle shooters, with an article saying it’s a trap!! The meme came from the linked article.... that’s how WRSA works.
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Didn’t see this posted anywhere. I’m taking it with a giant grain of salt with all of the bullshit going on. Just thought it was interesting.

I’m sure this is leftist media fear mongering, but anyone seen this?

If I was to venture a guess it’s to allow the local authorities to start watching certain groups/people. This is a Bush/Obama era tactic from what I see. Gather information on “potential bad actors” , of course you end up finding it’s just people who have posted some BS. Plus all those who give up their data each day on social sites, well that is provided to officials and used to build a profile. Gonna be interesting times, glad I’m retiring.
Don't believe a thing this 'liberal' Frankenstein monster of a government and its multi-national running dogs says.

After the Vietnam war was over all puppet supporters were ordered for a one week re-orientation....19 years years those that survived were released. No you never read it in the Times
After watching four years of nonsense take place. After watching what they can do and get away with to a sitting president, they are exposed. I will not give a government worker the time of day without a lawyer present. I’m sure there are still “good” people in gov, but do you know for sure who they are? We are in a digital cold war right now. It in an information/disinformation war.
Folks, If there are people available and near any of the federal buildings or buildings that the various Federal Thugs use, From a "Public" place take pictures of all that enter or leave those buildings and then post them on line. I know in Boston the FBI uses a building on Cambridge St. that is on the curve just south of the Saltonstall Building. They aren't the only ones in the surveillance business.
Don't believe a thing this 'liberal' Frankenstein monster of a government and its multi-national running dogs says.

After the Vietnam war was over all puppet supporters were ordered for a one week re-orientation....19 years years those that survived were released. No you never read it in the Times

I know a guy that this happened to but he was eventually let back to his village and was to report in weekly to the commie gov overseers. He said he knew the local traitors and they were power hungry dirtbgs. He fled and managed to get to the US as a refugee.

Now it's going to be deja vu all over again.
This is a total set up!

False Flag!!!

But, it still sounds like a good time!

“Sixteen groups — some of them armed and most of them hard-line supporters of President Trump — have registered to stage protests in Washington, prompting deep concern among federal officials about an event that has historically been a packed celebration of American democracy.”

So, if you have no guns, are you an armed group? No, of course not.

Why can we have “celebration of American democracy” like we did in 2016?

“ Black-clad activists among hundreds of demonstrators protesting Donald Trump’s swearing-in on Friday clashed with police a few blocks from the White House, in an outburst of violence rare for an inauguration.”

“ Six police officers were injured and 217 protesters arrested Friday after a morning of peaceful protests and coordinated disruptions of Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremony gave way to ugly street clashes in downtown Washington.”
I know a guy that this happened to but he was eventually let back to his village and was to report in weekly to the commie gov overseers. He said he knew the local traitors and they were power hungry dirtbgs. He fled and managed to get to the US as a refugee.

Now it's going to be deja vu all over again.
Not just the ‘US puppets supporters’ who were sent to the death camps. The Catholics were especially selected for the worst torture and death. I knew many ARVN widowers and family’s in the Haugh Ni village across from II Field Force. In the camps they were reserved for a especially slow death and torture. I’ll post a link to memoir from a camp survivor that everyone would be wise to read.
Not just the ‘US puppets supporters’ who were sent to the death camps. The Catholics were especially selected for the worst torture and death. I knew many ARVN widowers and family’s in the Haugh Ni village across from II Field Force. In the camps they were reserved for a especially slow death and torture. I’ll post a link to memoir from a camp survivor that everyone would be wise to read.
Now i know why you guys dont like my screen name. The 80 years in vietnam was bad... starving people everywheres, even communist vc have a hard time buying food, after a while they just gave up being real vc and play along with the system. I remember one time they let an ex south vietnam guy out , he went home , all skin and bone.
Now i know why you guys dont like my screen name. The 80 years in vietnam was bad... starving people everywheres, even communist vc have a hard time buying food, after a while they just gave up being real vc and play along with the system. I remember one time they let an ex south vietnam guy out , he went home , all skin and bone.
Yup/no we’re all just having a moment of clarity....
Couldn’t agree more. I just hope that there aren’t a bunch of ignorant f***s who turn out for this thing and potentially end up in firefights or whatever with whomever and ultimately continue to make life more difficult for people who exercise our 2A rights.

do I care? Meh, not really. Never comply. But still it’s just stressful seeing this shit in the news everyday.

I feel personally attacked for loving my country. It saddens me to see fellow Americans chanting USA on an airplane, getting forcefully removed for expressing their freedom of speech. It’s becoming normal to not express your love for the USA and it’s frightening.

Welcome to Russia in 1917 or Germany in 1933.
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