NES Member
From an email list I'm subscribed to:
This is for all CT residents. The proposed new gun laws were voted out of committee and are now before the General Assembly. This is definitely the time to write to your CT Rep and express your opinions.
You can use this link to find your CT Rep and Senator:
When writing to your Rep, be polite and explain in your own words why you object to the proposed legislation. The CCDL folks have a good handle on how to write letters, and I have them on copy. Basically I try to illustrate why the proposed law does nothing to stop criminals (who are by definition "law breakers") and that it only hurts law abiding citizens. Ask if they will take your phone call so you can discuss your position.
Here is a quick breakdown of the most egregious of the laws currently before the CT House. Take a look at each individual proposal and write to your Rep letting them know your opinion.
Bill Stewart
Section 1(a)(2) - no open carry
Section 1(a)(3) - illegal to carry firearm in any establishment licensed for on-premises alcohol consumption
Section 1(c) - each police unit must prepare and submit annual reports to Institute for Municipal and Regional Policy at The University of Connecticut anytime they stop someone who is openly carrying, to be reported to Governor and Gen Assembly once each year.
Section 2(29-36a) - no more "ghost guns" or 80 percent guns. 30 days after completion of firearm to register and obtain serial number. No longer "grandfathered" - all must be serialized and registered. Possession of any gun w/o serial number is illegal (except for certain antiques).
Section 3(29-33) - Can only purchase one pistol or revolver within 30 day period.
Section 4(a)(29-38) - if sell 10 or more firearms within a calendar year, must get CT permit to sell. FFL no longer enough. Must have FFL to get CT permit.
Section 11(b)(1) - must be 21 to purchase any long gun except in (2) below
Section 11(b)(2) - must be 21 or older to purchase any "semi-automatic centerfire rifle that has or accepts a magazine with a capacity exceeding five rounds"
Section 11(3) - "long guns" - must wait 11 days after receipt of auth number before taking possession
Section 15(d)(2) - all "assault weapons" banned, including "pre-ban". "Others" also now defined as "assault weapons". Owners of pre-bans and others will have to register them as "assault weapons" under the new law. No new purchases or transfers of "others" and "pre-bans."
EDITED 05/07/2023 to add email I received recently:
(NEW) Legislative Update and Call to Action
As previously reported, the CT Governor's proposed "crime" bill (HB 6667) includes a cornucopia of anti-gun measures. This bill has passed out of the Judiciary Committee and is on the House floor and available to be called for a vote at any time. This is easily the most aggressive anti-gun bill we have seen in a decade.
We need all CT gun owners, and supporters of the 2nd Amendment to call their Connecticut Legislators (Representatives and Senators) and tell them that HB 6667 is another attempt to stop crime by going at the very people who are least likely to commit crimes with firearms.
If you don't know who your legislators are, or need to find contact information for them, use this link:
When you call, ask for a call-back to speak your legislator personally to assure that your message isn't simply written down by an aide and never seen.
Here are some of the provisions in HB6667:
· Prohibits Open carry
· Prohibits carry in ANY establishment permitted to serve alcohol
· Requires so-called "ghost guns", i.e. those manufactured between 1968 and 2019 without S/Ns to be declared and registered
· Limits transfers of handguns to 1/month
· Requires a 10 day waiting period for the transfer of any firearm
· Prohibits 18-21 year olds from purchasing any type of firearm
· Extends the safe storage of all firearms in the home, i.e. regardless of whether children are present
· Extends the Assault Weapon ban to include pre-94 and Others
· Changes the first possession of a Large Capacity Magazine from a misdemeanor to a felony
· Expands the list of disqualifying offenses for possessing a firearm
· Mandates additional educational requirements for the carry permit class, adds 2 hours of live-fire and 2 hours of instruction on CT laws
· Requires semi-automatic handguns manufactured after 1/1/2024 to be equipped with a loaded chamber indicator and magazine disconnect. This will all but eliminate access to new semi-automatic handguns going forward as very few have these two features.
Tom Maloney
Executive Board
This is for all CT residents. The proposed new gun laws were voted out of committee and are now before the General Assembly. This is definitely the time to write to your CT Rep and express your opinions.
You can use this link to find your CT Rep and Senator:
When writing to your Rep, be polite and explain in your own words why you object to the proposed legislation. The CCDL folks have a good handle on how to write letters, and I have them on copy. Basically I try to illustrate why the proposed law does nothing to stop criminals (who are by definition "law breakers") and that it only hurts law abiding citizens. Ask if they will take your phone call so you can discuss your position.
Here is a quick breakdown of the most egregious of the laws currently before the CT House. Take a look at each individual proposal and write to your Rep letting them know your opinion.
Bill Stewart
Section 1(a)(2) - no open carry
Section 1(a)(3) - illegal to carry firearm in any establishment licensed for on-premises alcohol consumption
Section 1(c) - each police unit must prepare and submit annual reports to Institute for Municipal and Regional Policy at The University of Connecticut anytime they stop someone who is openly carrying, to be reported to Governor and Gen Assembly once each year.
Section 2(29-36a) - no more "ghost guns" or 80 percent guns. 30 days after completion of firearm to register and obtain serial number. No longer "grandfathered" - all must be serialized and registered. Possession of any gun w/o serial number is illegal (except for certain antiques).
Section 3(29-33) - Can only purchase one pistol or revolver within 30 day period.
Section 4(a)(29-38) - if sell 10 or more firearms within a calendar year, must get CT permit to sell. FFL no longer enough. Must have FFL to get CT permit.
Section 11(b)(1) - must be 21 to purchase any long gun except in (2) below
Section 11(b)(2) - must be 21 or older to purchase any "semi-automatic centerfire rifle that has or accepts a magazine with a capacity exceeding five rounds"
Section 11(3) - "long guns" - must wait 11 days after receipt of auth number before taking possession
Section 15(d)(2) - all "assault weapons" banned, including "pre-ban". "Others" also now defined as "assault weapons". Owners of pre-bans and others will have to register them as "assault weapons" under the new law. No new purchases or transfers of "others" and "pre-bans."
EDITED 05/07/2023 to add email I received recently:
(NEW) Legislative Update and Call to Action
As previously reported, the CT Governor's proposed "crime" bill (HB 6667) includes a cornucopia of anti-gun measures. This bill has passed out of the Judiciary Committee and is on the House floor and available to be called for a vote at any time. This is easily the most aggressive anti-gun bill we have seen in a decade.
We need all CT gun owners, and supporters of the 2nd Amendment to call their Connecticut Legislators (Representatives and Senators) and tell them that HB 6667 is another attempt to stop crime by going at the very people who are least likely to commit crimes with firearms.
If you don't know who your legislators are, or need to find contact information for them, use this link:
When you call, ask for a call-back to speak your legislator personally to assure that your message isn't simply written down by an aide and never seen.
Here are some of the provisions in HB6667:
· Prohibits Open carry
· Prohibits carry in ANY establishment permitted to serve alcohol
· Requires so-called "ghost guns", i.e. those manufactured between 1968 and 2019 without S/Ns to be declared and registered
· Limits transfers of handguns to 1/month
· Requires a 10 day waiting period for the transfer of any firearm
· Prohibits 18-21 year olds from purchasing any type of firearm
· Extends the safe storage of all firearms in the home, i.e. regardless of whether children are present
· Extends the Assault Weapon ban to include pre-94 and Others
· Changes the first possession of a Large Capacity Magazine from a misdemeanor to a felony
· Expands the list of disqualifying offenses for possessing a firearm
· Mandates additional educational requirements for the carry permit class, adds 2 hours of live-fire and 2 hours of instruction on CT laws
· Requires semi-automatic handguns manufactured after 1/1/2024 to be equipped with a loaded chamber indicator and magazine disconnect. This will all but eliminate access to new semi-automatic handguns going forward as very few have these two features.
Tom Maloney
Executive Board
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