

NES Member
Aug 7, 2024
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Based on the little activity I've seen in Connecticut there's no surprise you guys rolled over with the ar ban. Better change the slogan " Constitution State"
Is this a troll thread?
No, but take it how you will. I just see massachusetts with over 7k threads in mass laws and you guys only have a few hundred. From what I've read the citizens haven't done much for petitions, votes or anything else to get it over turned. Correct me if I'm wrong. I have a friend that is considering moving to CT, but the strict laws are changing his mind.
No, but take it how you will. I just see massachusetts with over 7k threads in mass laws and you guys only have a few hundred. From what I've read the citizens haven't done much for petitions, votes or anything else to get it over turned. Correct me if I'm wrong. I have a friend that is considering moving to CT, but the strict laws are changing his mind.
It seems this site is mostly MA people or people who were from MA at some point. I stopped visiting this site for a number of years because it was so heavily MA centric. Many lurk without posting. There were other CT specific websites that were active for a very long time before shutting down recently when the owner died a few years ago. Quite a few moved to social media sites like Reddit and the CCDL private Facebook group to ask about CT gun specific issues. You have read wrong. CT residents did protest, attend public hearings, contact their reps, write in opposition to all of the anti gun bills in 1993, 2013 and again in 2023. Many in CT have not complied with registering their assault weapons and large capacity magazines as mandated by law. Estimates were less than 25% registered in 2013. There are at least two current challenges to CT's AWB. Both are sitting in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. The plaintiffs for both cases have been directed by the court to file briefs regarding the effects of Antonyuk v. James decision with the court by 11/22/2024. And there are a couple of other legal challenges to other CT anti gun laws like the ban on carry in state parks/forests.

The current CT AWB court cases:
Grant v. Lamont: Grant v. Lamont - Second Amendment Foundation
NAGR v. Lamont: NAGR v. Lamont

PS: CT Democrats have a solid lock (majority) on the legislature for many decades, and we have a very anti gun Dem governor. They push gun control every year in spite of the opposition residents put up. Sometimes CT residents are successful in stopping more gun control, sometimes not, like last year when Democrats went back on a 10 year promise not to ban prebans.
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No, but take it how you will. I just see massachusetts with over 7k threads in mass laws and you guys only have a few hundred. From what I've read the citizens haven't done much for petitions, votes or anything else to get it over turned. Correct me if I'm wrong. I have a friend that is considering moving to CT, but the strict laws are changing his mind.

if you think voting does anything then i have some oceanfront property in kentucky to sell you
Here is the public testimony submitted last year for HB 6667 (expanding CT's AWB) which became Public Act 23-53:

Submitted public testimony was overwhelmingly against the bill. The in person public testimony at the public hearing likewise was overwhelmingly against the bill. The bill passed out of committee anyway because CT Democrats know there is no threat of being voted out of office in CT for being anti gun.
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Wow. That sucks. Connecticut is really nice and affordable to live and rais a family. I'm sure one would be skeptical about going shooting at a range with scary pews...i just seen and heard so much with goals and cape cod gun works with the pod cast and not much from ct. Hopefully with the new presidency and everything we'll start seeing some unconstitutional work getting undone
It seems this site is mostly MA people or people who were from MA at some point. I stopped visiting this site for a number of years because it was so heavily MA centric. Many lurk without posting. There were other CT specific websites that were active for a very long time before shutting down recently when the owner died a few years ago. Quite a few moved to social media sites like Reddit and the CCDL private Facebook group to ask about CT gun specific issues. You have read wrong. CT residents did protest, attend public hearings, contact their reps, write in opposition to all of the anti gun bills in 1993, 2013 and again in 2023. Many in CT have not complied with registering their assault weapons and large capacity magazines as mandated by law. Estimates were less than 25% registered in 2013. There are at least two current challenges to CT's AWB. Both are sitting in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. The plaintiffs for both cases have been directed by the court to file briefs regarding the effects of Antonyuk v. James decision with the court by 11/22/2024. And there are a couple of other legal challenges to other CT anti gun laws like the ban on carry in state parks/forests.

The current CT AWB court cases:
Grant v. Lamont: Grant v. Lamont - Second Amendment Foundation
NAGR v. Lamont: NAGR v. Lamont

PS: CT Democrats have a solid lock (majority) on the legislature for many decades, and we have a very anti gun Dem governor. They push gun control every year in spite of the opposition residents put up. Sometimes CT residents are successful in stopping more gun control, sometimes not, like last year when Democrats went back on a 10 year promise not to ban prebans.
Any progress ?
Any progress ?
Nothing new apparently. The plaintiffs in both cases were supposed to submit a brief (no longer than 8 pages) on what the effect of the 2nd Circuit's Antonyuk decision has on the appeal(s).
From the court's Nov. 5th filing:
In light of this Court’s decision in Antonyuk v. James, No. 22-2908, 2023 WL11963034 (2d Cir. Oct. 24, 2024), it is hereby ORDERED that, by no later than Friday, November 22, 2024, each party shall submit to this Court a letter brief, not to exceed eight pages single-spaced, addressing the effect, if any, that the Antonyuk decision has on this appeal.
NAGR's brief to the 2nd Circuit filed on 11/22/24: Appellant Supplemental Brief
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