You guys still aren't getting it... Look, when you start teaching someone to shoot, do you immediately start talking about the difference between +P and standard pressure rounds? Do you immediately start telling someone about unsupported firing chambers leading to a big kaboom? Of course you don't. You start with "This is a gun", and "the bullets go here". Actually, you probably start with "the difference between a bullet and a round is...". THAT'S the level I'm looking for here, folks - think raw newbie and you're not far off.
dwarven1, when you go to purchase a car you don't buy it on looks and literature alone, you test drive it and compare, for what its worth and IMHO you should go to a range that lets you rent them and try many different AR's. They are all pretty much the same in orientation but one will surely pop out at you as the one that stands out the best. Cost obviously is a factor but for what you need it for will justify that. I stand firmly behind RRA they are a great company and easy to deal with. Good luck in your search and I'm sure any of these nice guys here would have you shoot any of there guns you are more than welcome to try mine.
dwarven1, when you go to purchase a car you don't buy it on looks and literature alone, you test drive it and compare, for what its worth and IMHO you should go to a range that lets you rent them and try many different AR's. They are all pretty much the same in orientation but one will surely pop out at you as the one that stands out the best. Cost obviously is a factor but for what you need it for will justify that. I stand firmly behind RRA they are a great company and easy to deal with. Good luck in your search and I'm sure any of these nice guys here would have you shoot any of there guns you are more than welcome to try mine.