Good to know, I have heard similar issues with the hammer spring but figured I'd wait to see how it works out of the box first. I ordered 2000 Red Arm Standard which I think is just Tula.
It's interesting that its only apparent in the 30's not the 10's though. Maybe a different follower? Any experience with the AR Stoner 30's, new ones? I'm hoping those would work reliably in a free state.
What gas system are you using and buffer weights? I have a carbine length gas system, standard carbine spring and buffer, and I ordered an H buffer as well.
I've read alot of people have issues with the gas port size and end up drilling it out. Again, I want to wait and see how mine runs out of the box, but curious if you had to address this?
So mine is just the standard 16" upper from Bear Creek Arsenal in x39. I guess its carbine length but I'm not sure. I just swap it out on my pre-ban lower that has a carbine spring/buffer and collapsible stock in it. Nothing special there. Literally the same setup I use with a 223 carbine upper. Never had to mess with any part of the upper, it just ran out of the box.
The magazine problem is because of the curve in the 30 rounder vs the straight body of the 10 rounder. The rounds don't really negotiate the curve in the 30 rounder. Never tried the Stoner since I'm in MA.