The reason nobody uses the AR MR2 in MA is because it sucks worse than having a standard compliant AR.
What would you rather have? An AR with a fixed stock, a muzzle brake and no bayonet lug, OR one where you have to open the action to change the magazine.
Comeon, lets be serious here.
About the only application for this device in MA would be if you had some kind of investment grade AR, and didn't want to change anything.
I'm looking from the perspective of, what could be undone if you moved to a free state, wanted to sell out of state, or AWBs were declared unconstitutional by SCOTUS. You could potentially swap out the MR2 for standard lower parts. The Bayo lug is useful if you want to put a Bayo on it. : ). I would also prefer a flash hider to a brake, or the ability to swap out parts.
Can't put a bayo lug back on, and I hear unpinning a brake is not easy.
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