AR15 style carbine rifle in 9mm caliber ?


NES Life Member
NES Member
Dec 2, 2005
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I am interested in the following carbine, an AR15 style in 9mm caliber:

AR15 9mm Carbine

I own a 9mm pistol and am interested in the 9mm AR15 as a home defense kind of weapon.

I have shot AR15 .223 rifles and carbines, and I like the ergonomics, but I feel like the .223 round is a little bit small for some applications.

Can anyone tell me about what the effect on a 9mm round is from being fired in a carbine like this (as opposed to from a short barrelled handgun) , in terms of how the 9mm round differs from the .223? I'm interested in a comparison of the perceived recoil, how the accuracy and power drops at succesively further distances compared to the .223 rifle round.

Huh? You think .223 is underpowered so you want a 9mm instead? Muzzle energy of a 9mm handgun is somewhere around 350 ft-lbs. Add 10% for a 9mm carbine. Muzzle energy of a .223 rifle is around 1300 ft-lbs.

.223 is far, far more powerful than 9mm.

In terms of recoil, a .223 AR15 has hardly any at all. You can put the buttstock on your forehead and pull the trigger.

In terms of ballistics, the 9mm will be hopeless beyond 100 yards. At 100 yards, the 9mm has 5.6" of bullet drop. At 150 yards, it is 25".

If you sight in your .223 at 100 yards, you will have 1.5" of drop at 150 yards. 4.8" of drop at 200 yards. 19.3" at 300 yards.

Stick with a .223. It is a far better round than a 9mm.

Here's a ballistics calculator from Norma:
Sure. You can try it, too. An 8.5+ lb AR15 just doesn't have much recoil. I've seen 10 year old kids shoot AR15s.
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