Are preban mags still ok to commerce?


NES Member
Oct 11, 2011
Attleboro Area in MA and Littleton Area in NH
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A little confused, everyone was saying you couldn't sell/transfer/import after the preamble. But that's not how it reads for me.
According to the text on the "lawfully possessed within the commonwealth" is only on sec (b) whereas sec (c) is "lawfully possessed on September 13, 1994"

Maybe I am in the wrong section or reading wrong?

Interesting read. The last sentence in subsection C would make it seem like it’s illegal to transfer within the commonwealth though.
A little confused, everyone was saying you couldn't sell/transfer/import after the preamble. But that's not how it reads for me.
According to the text on the "lawfully possessed within the commonwealth" is only on sec (b) whereas sec (c) is "lawfully possessed on September 13, 1994"

Maybe I am in the wrong section or reading wrong?

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You can only transfer “the device to an heir or devisee, a person residing outside the commonwealth, or a licensed dealer.”
@OnTheRoad this law is about as enforceable as the law saying that you needed a special license to sell ammunition in Massachusetts.

Or that thingie where they say you need to be blessed off by your local FD to be able to store ammo or propellants.

These laws have zero enforcement threat.
@OnTheRoad this law is about as enforceable as the law saying that you needed a special license to sell ammunition in Massachusetts.
Just as enforceable as transferring it in-state. My point was the law covers that strategy, enforceability notwithstanding. Maybe the transferor is OK but the transferee takes the risk.
You didn't transfer them. You didn't buy them. You found them abandoned on your property in 1992 and cleaned them up.
I go scuba diving all the time for stuff people misplace while out boating. Granted I don't have a boat, scuba gear or a lake on my property but sometimes the mud puddles are deep enough to find treasures.
I go scuba diving all the time for stuff people misplace while out boating. Granted I don't have a boat, scuba gear or a lake on my property but sometimes the mud puddles are deep enough to find treasures.

There's also whatlucks boat rental service. Ever want to take all your guns out on international waters in a boat that could sink at any second? We have the answer! Every voyage comes with life jackets, rations, a flare gun, and separate armed escort/rescue detail in a good boat. Ask about our payment plans!
But if you transfer it out of state and then come back, aren't you now "importing" it into the Commiewealth?

I don’t think so. Subsection A bans importation. But subsection c says subsection a doesn’t apply if it was lawfully possessed in September 13, 1994. It doesn’t say it has to have had continuous presence in MA.
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