man , at least the pentagon dont treat it troops that bad,you guys got it easy,you could alway go awol,Jesus even @vcman is laughing....![]()
here what the communist did to my father in law back during the 3rd indochina war, they told him that they need to send his ass to cambodia for a few weeks to help out the cambodian people. as soon as myfatherinlaw got to his base camp in cambodia the base commader told him that :" comrades ,even though you was told that you only gona be here for a few weeks there a war right here, we will need to stay here for a few years to fight em ". my father in law was like ....."shit,i will never made it home".
then he walk around the camp, he found a few bodies, he took a closer look , he found his friend . first thing my fatherinlaw did in cambodia is to volunteer to buried his friend.