I just got back from the range with my newest build -- a 6.8SPC, with a 16" AR Performance scout barrel (midlength) on a carbine lower (standard spring, standard buffer). PSA bolt in a NiB Ares carrier.
I only ran about 15 rounds through it (8 S&B FMJ, the rest are my 110gr VMax/8208XBR loads). Both types of ammo function in my 14.5" PSA 6.8SPC without issue.
I'm getting some serious case mouth dings from the brass deflector -- they're semicircle, so it's from the case mouth. Most case mouths have pretty good dings in them -- usually two of them, about 90deg each and perpendicular to eachother. Ejection is pretty much exactly at 3:00, and only landing about 3' off the bench. All 15 shots failed to chamber the second round. I had one instance where the rifle partially stripped the next round off and jammed up a bit, but every other time the bolt seems like it skimmed right over the top.
I am using ASC mags -- I only have two of them, and both performed the same. I tried an H2 buffer from another lower I had with me, and it behaved exactly the same.
I am confident I aligned the gas block properly, at least as best as possible visually. Is there a better way to check this? Do you think it just needs more rounds to break everything in? I read on another thread somewhere about trimming the spring by a few coils, but I'm hesitant to WECSOG anything right off the bat. Should I try it again on a rifle lower?
I only ran about 15 rounds through it (8 S&B FMJ, the rest are my 110gr VMax/8208XBR loads). Both types of ammo function in my 14.5" PSA 6.8SPC without issue.
I'm getting some serious case mouth dings from the brass deflector -- they're semicircle, so it's from the case mouth. Most case mouths have pretty good dings in them -- usually two of them, about 90deg each and perpendicular to eachother. Ejection is pretty much exactly at 3:00, and only landing about 3' off the bench. All 15 shots failed to chamber the second round. I had one instance where the rifle partially stripped the next round off and jammed up a bit, but every other time the bolt seems like it skimmed right over the top.
I am using ASC mags -- I only have two of them, and both performed the same. I tried an H2 buffer from another lower I had with me, and it behaved exactly the same.
I am confident I aligned the gas block properly, at least as best as possible visually. Is there a better way to check this? Do you think it just needs more rounds to break everything in? I read on another thread somewhere about trimming the spring by a few coils, but I'm hesitant to WECSOG anything right off the bat. Should I try it again on a rifle lower?