Christie would make a perfect candidate for POTUS to challenge Hillary for the nomination. Wait, wut? He's a Repub?

I believe that each state should have the right to make firearms laws as they see fit. I don’t believe it’s right for the federal government to get into the middle of this and decide firearms laws for the people of the state of New Jersey.

I assume that this means that he thinks 2A should be repealed? Fat statist fu(k.
It seems that Gov Christie will tell you what you want to hear, when elected will do what he wants. Listen to the promises he made to protect public employee pensions. Adamant that he would never alter them, always protect them. Not long after election, the pensions were diminished to pay expenses. Whatever your thoughts on pensions, it seems to diminish his credibility
It seems that Gov Christie will tell you what you want to hear, when elected will do what he wants. Listen to the promises he made to protect public employee pensions. Adamant that he would never alter them, always protect them. Not long after election, the pensions were diminished to pay expenses. Whatever your thoughts on pensions, it seems to diminish his credibility

This is how politics works my friend. Tell them what they want to hear to get elected then do whatever you want once you are. Been like that since the beginning of time...where have you been??
Christie, you ignorant slut. You are an anti-2A F*ck, and since you "say what you mean", I will take you at your word. F*ck off back to New Jersey.
Last night he was on Hanity and he said the state democrats are fighting him on the 2A in the state. Said he pardoned all the people charged with gun crimes from out of state.
He talks out of two sides of his mouth. NOT TO BE TRUSTED period. Plus he's from N.J. one of the most anti anything state in the nation, next to California, N.Y., and MA. The Republican party is disorganized, they have too many people throwing their hat in the ring, shows how desperate they are for someone to go up against Hillary. If that right person does not show up soon, were screwed.
I'd like to see someone ask Christie why states rights should apply to gun rights but not to gay marriage.

Plus he's from N.J. one of the most anti anything state in the nation, next to California, N.Y., and MA.
Not next to, worse than CA/NY/MA. Loads of examples.
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