ATF Is Not Approving NFA submissions from MA

Honestly fa10 it and hope she comes after you...she won't. It would be an epic fail on her part.
The feds approved it, your good to go.... they wrote and interpreted the law as its written for what 10 years??everyone know healey is full of shit its just anti gunners believe the ends justify the means look at the scumbags in DC protesting trump... the have concernsbecause trump says mean things...but then they are the most classless people..
Did we take the the streets and roit over obama?
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AR-15s are now, in theory, "illegal" AWs, especially if they are post 7/20 - so people are hesitant to FA-10 ARs these days, even SBRs, which traditionally, a lot of people FA-10'd when the stamp arrived and the rifle was assembled.

I'm a lazy noob on all this tax stamp stuff. Anyone know how this whole SBR/stamp thing plays for semi rifles that are currently considered OK in MA (not AR or AK variants)? I'm interested getting/making an SBR, but wouldn't be using a pre 7/20 gun.
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The ATF cares about barrel length & overall length. I would not suggest blindly venturing into the NFA world. Being a lazy noob it would be fairly easy to get yourself in trouble. Best to do some research and get your shit squared away before going NFA.
Yeah, I will certainly before jumping in, I'm just trying to figure out if it's a dead end for someone who doesn't already have the gun registered in MA. Gating question.
Yeah, I will certainly before jumping in, I'm just trying to figure out if it's a dead end for someone who doesn't already have the gun registered in MA. Gating question.

BATFE is not likely to care about that at least not up front. They have no way of knowing whether or not your stamp app is for a build receiver thats been here a month or been in your possession for 10 years. They also have no way of knowing whether or not Healy's BS even applies to your SBR, its not like you send a picture of the gun in. They don't know whether the "Poop-15" on your Form 1 app is an AR-15, or something else.

BATFE is not likely to care about that at least not up front. They have no way of knowing whether or not your stamp app is for a build receiver thats been here a month or been in your possession for 10 years. They also have no way of knowing whether or not Healy's BS even applies to your SBR, its not like you send a picture of the gun in. They don't know whether the "Poop-15" on your Form 1 app is an AR-15, or something else.


I swore you to secrecy on my build and you post the name of it on a public forum? Not cool.
It would be an interesting fight having paperwork sent to the Feds that was dated in April. Big question now is the efa-10. My gut says just do it but I'm on the fence. Risk or risk? After the wait I'm in no rush. Need to fill out and file the transport paperwork anyway.

I'm going to make this look extra killy and call it my Maura gun.
They don't know whether the "Poop-15" on your Form 1 app is an AR-15, or something else.

I'm waiting on a stamp for my PEN15 I filed in June.

12208639_1521454871506077_3828501663035106554_n.jpg 50 Beo, obviously.
As long as you have it in the state you can make it into an sbr. there are no restrictions on what can or cant be made into an sbr if that is what you are asking.

I'm a lazy noob on all this tax stamp stuff. Anyone know how this whole SBR/stamp thing plays for semi rifles that are currently considered OK in MA (not AR or AK variants)? I'm interested getting/making an SBR, but wouldn't be using a pre 7/20 gun.
I know this is an old thread but what ever ended up happening with this? Also, would it be possible to sbr a weapon not on the awb, like a scar?
I know this is an old thread but what ever ended up happening with this? Also, would it be possible to sbr a weapon not on the awb, like a scar?
The atf is approving form 1’s. Yes you can sbr a scar, I received my stamp for my scar 16 yesterday. Took 6 months but I paper filed. It’s much quicker to e file.
The atf is approving form 1’s. Yes you can sbr a scar, I received my stamp for my scar 16 yesterday. Took 6 months but I paper filed. It’s much quicker to e file.
I didn't even know e filing was an option. Where do I do it? Also, I'm incredibly jealous...
I've got one pending right now. Use the eFile process, follow the Reddit guide, and have your prints ready to mail in within the 10 day period after submitting the form. That's really about it.

I'll second @Lxpony as a resource. Super knowledgeable about the process and helped me out with tips for rolling my own prints.
I've got one pending right now. Use the eFile process, follow the Reddit guide, and have your prints ready to mail in within the 10 day period after submitting the form. That's really about it.

I'll second @Lxpony as a resource. Super knowledgeable about the process and helped me out with tips for rolling my own prints.
Lxpony is an SBR God!!!!!
Waiting on my first e-form 1 to come back to get a good baseline of the time. I took 10 sets of prints (2 sets for my first filing, extras for the future), so when May rolls around, I'll SBR my other lower too. Submitted Apr 12, prints received Apr 18th.
So you have to tell them the length of the barrel and the overall length in the application, what if you want to make it a couple inches bigger or smaller? Is it a sbr but only for the length of barrel that you specify? Do you need to pony up another $200 if you change the length?
So you have to tell them the length of the barrel and the overall length in the application, what if you want to make it a couple inches bigger or smaller? Is it a sbr but only for the length of barrel that you specify? Do you need to pony up another $200 if you change the length?
Are you efiling???
So you have to tell them the length of the barrel and the overall length in the application, what if you want to make it a couple inches bigger or smaller? Is it a sbr but only for the length of barrel that you specify? Do you need to pony up another $200 if you change the length?

No f***s are given by anyone. Swap calibers, even.
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