Nope, they are running this in all their stores. Likely discounting items that are being dropped from their product lines.
I've been in the store a few times and each time there were a few officers in the store.
What you don't realize is that cop shops don't "live" off the "one-offs" of officers popping in to buy something. There major revenue comes from purchase orders from PDs for quantities of stuff for the officers/department. Don't need much foot traffic to do this.
I'm unaware of "Boston Police Supply" ever being on Rte. 1 in Dedham, there is or was one (pretty sure by that name) in Hyde Park as I used to have a client out there and passed it each time on my way there and back.
AAA Police Supply is on Rte. 1 (at Rte. 128 interchange) in Dedham and does a land-mine business with PDs. They are my PD's supplier as well as BC PD's supplier (back when I worked for them). Due to location there always seems to be a few cruisers parked out front shopping. I was probably 12-14 yo when I first went in there, as my late Father sold them supplies for their boating business and there used to be a boat hanging from the ceiling over the police supplies.
I don't expect to drop by Atlantic Tactical anytime soon, nothing I need.