I also sent an email to Scott but no reply yet. Sent an email to Rob and he was going to check. Haven't heard anything definitive yet.

They usually have it the same weekend as the Dunbarton, NH folks have their New England Defensive Pistol Championship which I understand is scheduled for August 19 & 20.

MAShooter said:
I also sent an email to Scott but no reply yet. Sent an email to Rob and he was going to check. Haven't heard anything definitive yet.

They usually have it the same weekend as the Dunbarton, NH folks have their New England Defensive Pistol Championship which I understand is scheduled for August 19 & 20.


Hi Dave,

That is why I am trying to get this figured. I want to shoot AWARE Thursday this year with one of the other SOs for the NERDPC. Then we will head to Pioneer, shoot Friday, work Sat & Sunday.

Trying to get my summer planned I guess.


Ah, I see it.

The big guys can come this year, however, I hope for a repeat win for Matt.

GMPS hold's their matches at Lamoille Valley Fish and Game in Morrisville.
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