AZ - Jose Guerena Shot 60 Times By SWAT Team

Come to think of it, with the exception of one or two reports on the girls having to pay sales tax on their new truck, I haven't heard a blessed word about that incident since it ended.

Usually the media beats that sort of thing to death for months.

Sent from my chimney using smoke signals.

There's a reason for that.

At last after you got killed by SWAT, the raids stopped. Other people are not so lucky and the raids continue years after the person named in the warrant died:

Here's to hoping that one day cops who keep busting into the same apartment for years after learning the person they have a warrant for is dead will be held accountable.

RIP, Jose.
Jose, they have not learned anything yet... Reason is covering another execution by SWAT for a non-existent illegal drug...

Until cops are no longer allowed to execute innocents with impunity under the cover of the drug war and no-knock warrants, this country will not be at peace.
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The SWAT burned a baby in his crib (he survived, but barely - you were not so lucky) with a flash-bang grenade, then claimed they acted appropriately.

One day, these acts will be recognized as the crimes that they are, and appropriate punishment will be dispensed to the criminals. Until then, Rest in Peace, Jose.
I've said it hundreds of times. What is the algorithm that LEOs use in terms of acceptable collateral damage in these no-knock raids? There must be some omelette making analogy at play. How many innocent deaths are acceptable to LEOs? 1? 10? 100? 1000? more?

It is obvious that LEOs have an "us versus them" mentality when it comes to dealing with the public. Sure, there are good cops, but the blue line culture exists to distinguish LEOs from the vast unwashed, necessarily setting up a caste system.

We are only as free as they let us be. This is why I feel nervous if I see a police car behind me. I'm doing nothing wrong, other than exercising my civil rights. If I get pulled over, will that LEO go FR on me for having a revolver in my pocket? Scary things have happened and continue to happen.

This has to stop, but I'm afraid government is just too big and fat and bloated to contain itself. It's a runaway train.

My wife and I have a plan for any forced entry into our home. It is a layered system, with lighting, alarms, video, and increasing complexity the closer one gets to our Alamo, the safe room.

Sad that we even needed to think of this, but we reside in reality.

A police officer was killed during a SWAT raid during which police (again) found no drugs.

Let's hope that one day, instead of charging the homeowner with capital murder for defending himself against home invaders who were breaking into his house in the dark, the judges who issue no-knock warrants will count the many people (mostly innocent) dead because of them and stop allowing those deadly raids.

NY Police killed Eric Garner over selling cigarettes on the street by choking him and then not providing medical assistance... just like they refused to provide medical assistance for over an hour after shooting you.

At least the murderers are being investigated... despite the police union objections.

Oh... and Eric Garner's crime? He was selling loosies (individual cigarettes) on the street. Well, if that does not call for a good chocking, I don't know what does.

NY Police killed Eric Garner over selling cigarettes on the street by choking him and then not providing medical assistance... just like they refused to provide medical assistance for over an hour after shooting you.

At least the murderers are being investigated... despite the police union objections.

Oh... and Eric Garner's crime? He was selling loosies (individual cigarettes) on the street. Well, if that does not call to be executed [STRIKE=to be executed,]for a good chocking[/STRIKE], I don't know what does.

Ive said this a million times and I will say it again, most law enforcement agencies have way too many incompetent people employed. The biggest reason behind this as many are political hires and "Politicaly correct" hires, rather than looking at each applicant and reviewing them based on strict standards. This recent situation could have been handled a million ways differently and would have prevented this stupid tragedy.

Police in the UK found a new way to kill innocents: let the police dog maul a 73 year old woman in her home after she allowed police to search her garden to locate a fleeing suspect.

Don't worry though: the police dog is suspended and the cop who failed to control the killer dog is being provided all the necessary support.

The police dog involved has been withdrawn from operational policing activities and support is being provided to the police officer who was handling the dog at the time of the event.

RIP, Jose - one day, killers will be prosecuted whether they wear the right uniform or not.
Another men executed by SWAT during a raid based on false information from a car thief.

The "investigation" is in progress and we must wait long enough before they announce that the officers were right in killing David Hooks in his own home... appearances must be respected - at least make it look like they actually looked at the evidence before clearing the men in blue.

Apparently, throwing a grenade in a toddler's crib is not enough to get criminal charges against the criminals who did it.

Bounkham Phonesavah was fortunate enough to survive his encounter with the no-knock killers - one day, we will accept that no-knock warrants are an unconstitutional abomination and make them illegal again.

Until then, Rest in Peace, Jose. You will never be forgotten, and we will learn from your tragedy.
Another men executed by SWAT during a raid based on false information from a car thief.

The "investigation" is in progress and we must wait long enough before they announce that the officers were right in killing David Hooks in his own home... appearances must be respected - at least make it look like they actually looked at the evidence before clearing the men in blue.


A Georgia SWAT team shot and killed an armed homeowner during a September 24 drug raid sparked by the word of a self-confessed meth addict and burglar who had robbed the property the previous day. No drugs were found. David Hooks, 59, becomes the 34th person to die in US domestic drug law enforcement operations so far this year.

Another victory by law enforcement.
This is unbelievable. It is an assassination. What the hell happened to verifying what a ****ing meth head says before calling in SWAT? All of the LEO decision makers involved should end up in prison

Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk Pro - typos are from the GD auto correct unless they are funny substitutions those I'll take credit for.

A happy ending:

The armed to the teeth officers who raided Dwayne Perry's farm looking for marijuana took the time to learn it was okra and refrained from shooting.

If only your executioners had taken the time to learn you were innocent before shooting you, denying you first aid until you passed away, then falsely claiming that you shot at them first...

RIP, Jose. Sometimes, the good guy stays alive at the end of a drug raid.
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This is unbelievable. It is an assassination. What the hell happened to verifying what a ****ing meth head says before calling in SWAT? All of the LEO decision makers involved should end up in prison

Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk Pro - typos are from the GD auto correct unless they are funny substitutions those I'll take credit for.

Because it's easier to sit in a courtroom and say "we had solid intel from our CI" than it is to actually do the job and investigate. Shitbag low level criminals will always come up with whatever info they can whether true or not to plea down their case with zero repercussions for bad info.

The cops who threw a flash bang grenade in the crib of a toddler will get away with it...

and the uniformed thugs who broke into a Denver house without a warrant, beat up the innocent people living in the FORMER drug house then filed charges against their victims to cover up their brutality will not be charged criminally either.

The US legal system needs to change and realize that crimes are crimes even when committed by government agents...

On the bright side, the Denver PD will pay a few million to the victims... but the taxpayers will foot the bill and the criminals will continue their law enforcement careers.

Change will come sooner or later... let us pray that it will be sooner.

Until then, Rest In Peace, Jose. You and the other innocents murdered by SWAT will never be forgotten.

A new video showing 8 Saginaw police officers executing a mentally disturbed man (Milton Hall) who pulled out a pocket knife to defend himself against an attacking police dog is finally public after the ACLU released it. Watch it for yourselves and see if the officers were truly afraid for their lives when they fired 40+ times at Hall, even after he was on the ground.

As it is customary, the family was paid their blood money and the DOJ refused to prosecute the executioners.

One day, we will throw murderers into jail where they belong, whether they were wearing a blue uniform or not. Until that day comes...

Rest In Peace, Jose - you will never be forgotten.
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So what happens to a police department that murdered innocents and engaged in a pattern of excessive force and civil rights violations?

They agree to more training and change procedures for investigating police shootings.

Until they murderers get thrown in jail instead of being given more paid vacations in the form of "training", the killings of innocents at the hands of the police will continue.

RIP, Jose - you will never be forgotten.
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