Been meaning to post this with all the power outages. If you have electric hot water like me you will quickly discover that your generator is probably too small to make hot water. Here is my solution:
You will need a gas grill propane tank to run the thing (outside of course). You will also need to attach 2 rubber hoses long enough to reach your washing machine hookup (I use old garden hoses and some fittings). The cold side of your WM hookup goes to the inlet of the water heater and the outlet of the water heater goes to the hot side of your WM hookup. Then you need to close the outlet valve on your houses hot water heater (*very important*) and the installation is complete.
This arrangement allows water to back feed from the cold to hot side of your WD hookup. Since there is an on-demand water heater in between the cold and hot sides, you will be back feeding hot water at about 3 gallons per minute. I take showers, wash dishes (by hand), etc with no problems whatsoever. best $100 I spent during the great ice storm.

You will need a gas grill propane tank to run the thing (outside of course). You will also need to attach 2 rubber hoses long enough to reach your washing machine hookup (I use old garden hoses and some fittings). The cold side of your WM hookup goes to the inlet of the water heater and the outlet of the water heater goes to the hot side of your WM hookup. Then you need to close the outlet valve on your houses hot water heater (*very important*) and the installation is complete.
This arrangement allows water to back feed from the cold to hot side of your WD hookup. Since there is an on-demand water heater in between the cold and hot sides, you will be back feeding hot water at about 3 gallons per minute. I take showers, wash dishes (by hand), etc with no problems whatsoever. best $100 I spent during the great ice storm.