Baofengs Charging

Here is the official ARRL manual for the General exam, good through July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2027. I would suggest ordering directly from the ARRL site to support them versus Amazon, but totally your call.
Mine just came in the mail.


Time to begin review of Technician topics and then slowly wade into General.
They must be shooting for a new, more diverse and younger demographic, because when I think of HAM radios, neither of those two come to mind as the archetypal operator.
True and ARRL has recently realized that if they don't get young kids into amateur radio, it will die out as us oldsters die out.
For you 'feng lovers/operators, I saw this in a video today. It's a kydex shell that connects to molle. It folds open you can work the radio, then just fold it back and fasten. The guy in the video had it on his backpack straps. They make it for a few radios, but not many.


One of my grandsons is interested. Primarily with the Ham Radio High Altitude Ballooning.
Nashua Area Radio Society has done a number of those with kids in some local schools.
Have your Grandson read (and follow the hotlinks) on this webpage about NARS high altitude balloon project.
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