What items would you stock specifically for barter purposes that perhaps you don't use?
Obviously beans, bandages and bullets will have huge value - but would you trade those?
For instance - I don't use tobacco but I think that would be a commodity with IMMENSE VALUE in a SHTF scenario. But I'm not sure I would want to stock even say $100 worth as that means $100 I don't have to add to my food/water stores.
Alcohol is another item.
So what items are you specifically stocking for barter?
Obviously beans, bandages and bullets will have huge value - but would you trade those?
For instance - I don't use tobacco but I think that would be a commodity with IMMENSE VALUE in a SHTF scenario. But I'm not sure I would want to stock even say $100 worth as that means $100 I don't have to add to my food/water stores.
Alcohol is another item.
So what items are you specifically stocking for barter?