Barter Items

Aug 27, 2007
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What items would you stock specifically for barter purposes that perhaps you don't use?

Obviously beans, bandages and bullets will have huge value - but would you trade those?

For instance - I don't use tobacco but I think that would be a commodity with IMMENSE VALUE in a SHTF scenario. But I'm not sure I would want to stock even say $100 worth as that means $100 I don't have to add to my food/water stores.

Alcohol is another item.

So what items are you specifically stocking for barter?
Ammo is top of the list.
Medical supplies particularly antibiotics
Silver buillion
Skills and services (carpentry, mechanic, seamstress, etc)
Food items with long shelf life
Water and purification items
Pet food
Tobacco strikes me as being a difficult item to store for any extended period of time.
I know it requires a prescription & you're supposed to take the whole script when you get them but if you could somehow get your hands on a antibiotic like amoxicillin it could potentially be the most precious item on earth.

ETA: shomorfffram1 beat me to it.
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I too have thought a lot about tobacco, coffee packets, alcohol nips-basically anything that people could be addicted to. However, despite being in a shtf scenario, morally I'm not personally comfortable pimping goods I don't choose to use. Add to that the fact that it is money I can't spend on items I'll need. And space to store stuff I'll never use.

And MisterHappy, for this question the scenario is not important
Scenario: SHTF where the trucks stop delivering goods for extended periods of time (months/years). manufactured goods are no longer available. Chaos.

I personally would have to be very trusting of anyone I choose to barter ammo to. It may come back at you.
In shtf I'd trade for stale smokes. So cartons of Marlboro reds would come in handy.
Granted I'd try to quit.

Any one remember that chic from the survivor show that said she was stock piling on condoms to trade sex. She really didn't get how bad it be.

Aren't there some cheese and other food that are natural antibiotics ?
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I wouldn't trade ammo unless it was to someone I literally trusted with my life.

I also don't plan on trading food unless it was surplus eggs or garden items. But I do keep extra salt and sugar that might be useful to trade.

I frequently find useful things at the Still Good section of the town dump that might be good trade items. Infant and childrens clothes that are in good shape, cast iron skillets, candles, occasional camping gear, oil lamps and canning jars all get brought home and stored JIC.
And, if it never happens in my lifetime then I'm not out any $$
I'd increase my stockpile of yeast and ferment things to trade. [smile] If it's SHTF time, then people are going to want to get f'd up sooner or later. There's plenty of things that can be fermented into alcohol.
Make stuff. Provided you have physical security and some knowledge.

Chickens : eggs , baby chickens.
Bees : honey.
Moonshine : entertainment , lamp fuel , gas extender , medical use
Potatoes : with no bread or grains a potato farmer is growing gold.
Fish : "no rules fishing" in salt water , with a bit of gear, can feed a lot of people , and they'll trade or pay for it.
Sex: I might occasionally , discreetly , let a hot babe pay me for sex if I were desperate.

And skills : carpenters , electricians , plumbers , mechanical techs could be in big demand to :

rewire a custom windmill for 12v battery chargers or make a roof stop leaking or turn one room into a highly insulated wood stove heated zone , or re work a series of roof gutters to collect water ...

He'll if you were a low maintenance type you could be hired on as security for a potato farmer that needs guards.
I would tend to stick mostly with small, low-cost items if I were building a barter stash.

- OTC meds such as Advil, Tylenol, aspirin, Benadryl, Imodium, Pepcid. Multiple small packages.
- Bleach tablets. They last much longer than bottled bleach and don't take up much space.
- Alcohol nips or half-bottles. Things with general appeal such as plain vodka, whisky, rum. Glass bottles will last longer than plastic.
- Pocket-sized sewing kits.
- Bandages and antiseptic.
- Travel-sized toiletries.
- Small containers of hand sanitizer and baby wipes.
I won't barter unless I absolutely have to, and I certainly won't stockpile with the intention of bartering.

#1) I plan not to need anything should SHTF. If I'm going to spend time and money to stockpile items, I'm going to stockpile things I need, not things I expect to give away (in anticipation that someone stupid enough to be unprepared miraculously has something that I need and is willing to give it away).

#2) I don't want to draw attention to myself as someone who is well supplied and has items of value. You go around trying to "barter" when law and order has been suspended, and you're asking to get ripped off, or worse.
See the "One Year In Hell" Bosnia article and checklist here (see the ETA). They list specifically about what people fought over, needed, and traded the most. However, YMMV. [wink]
I certainly won't stockpile with the intention of bartering... I don't want to draw attention to myself as someone who is well supplied and has items of value. You go around trying to "barter" when law and order has been suspended, and you're asking to get ripped off, or worse.

I agree with Tony. When word gets out you have quantities of tradeable goods during the Z-Apocolypse you might not live to regret it.
One thing to keep in mind is that when you stockpile addictive items, you may end up dealing with people that would rather take such item instead of trade for it. Yes this could happen with anything but do you want all the smokers knowing you're the tobacco person when they haven't had a cig in a week?
In a realistic situation....I plan on taking what you have and likely vice versa.
  • Water purification supplies including purification tabs and filters
  • Hand tools including hatchets, saws, machetes and general fix-it tools
  • Fire making supplies, including lighters, matches, flint fire steel
  • Sanitary supplies including toilet paper, feminine products and diapers
  • Disposable razors and razor blades
  • Fuel, any and all kinds (gas, diesel, propane, kerosene)
  • Prescription drugs, painkillers, and antibiotics
  • First aid remedies such as cough syrup, cortisone cream, boil-ese, calamine lotion and topical pain relievers
  • Spirits such as bourbon, rum, gin, and vodka
  • Coffee and tea (instant coffee is okay)
  • Solar battery charger and rechargeable batteries
  • Standard Batteries
  • Reading glasses
  • Paracord
  • Bags, including large garbage bags as well as smaller zip-close bags
  • Plastic sheeting
  • Duct tape
  • Tie Wraps
  • Heavy plastic sheets and tarps
  • Toiletries including toothpaste, dental floss soaps, shampoo (tip: save those small sized toiletries that are provided by hotels and motels)
  • Latex or Nitrile gloves in a variety of sizes
  • Hard candy
  • Fishing supplies
  • Knives of various types including fixed blades, kitchen knives, and box cutters.
  • Condiments and Spices
  • Paperback books on a variety of subjects
  • Tobacco and cigarette rolling supplies
  • Amusements such as playing cards, crossword puzzle books, Sudoku
  • Pencils & paper
  • Pepper spray
  • Garden seeds
  • Flashlights
  • Vinegar and baking soda to use in DIY cleaning supplies
  • Empty spray bottles and squirt bottles
  • Hand pumps for both air and liquids
  • Mylar blankets and tents
  • Hand warmers
  • Sewing and mending supplies
  • Knitting or crochet needles and yarn
  • AMMO
In a realistic situation....I plan on taking what you have and likely vice versa.

Realistically that's why we have a plan. So we don't have to become that kind of scum. But if it comes to that I'm sure many here would be happy to share a few bullets with you.........................
Not really thread closing...I have thick skin....every disaster is unforeseen no matter what you are prepared for.

Most people I know are from the "raider" type mentality,while they are prepared they are also prepared to take you shit too.
I know a guy from Bosnia. We talk about his time there during the war and I never asked him about bartering, but he did mention some things he wished he'd had more of. I remember him mentioning flour, sugar, batteries and bic lighters. His wife does a lot of baking, bakes fresh bread every day, so it might have been what his family specifically wished they had more of.
I'm also thinking as far as bribery. If you need to bribe an "official" they likely will have access to food and water. But perhaps 'luxury goods' would be scarce - tobacco, alcohol, porn, etc
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