Barter Items

I'm also thinking as far as bribery. If you need to bribe an "official" they likely will have access to food and water. But perhaps 'luxury goods' would be scarce - tobacco, alcohol, porn, etc

Hadn't thought of that.

I don't plan to barter but realize that even the best plans I currently have are untested. You just never know. I may need to barter for a service. Or it might be good to be set up at the designated bartering place just to gather some info. Also, in a small town, if you never show up looking like you are in need then people might wonder just what you've got at home.
Not really thread closing...I have thick skin....every disaster is unforeseen no matter what you are prepared for.

Most people I know are from the "raider" type mentality,while they are prepared they are also prepared to take you shit too.

I guess I associate with a more principled type of prepper ( at least by what they say) and I generally avoid any of the badass wanna be thieves. I mean if the end justifies the means then why not start a life of crime right now and prey on the old and the weak? And if it's OK to just take what you need then I guess I shouldn't have such a bad attitude about all the current lazy, POS thieving humans on the planet.
I guess I associate with a more principled type of prepper ( at least by what they say) and I generally avoid any of the badass wanna be thieves. I mean if the end justifies the means then why not start a life of crime right now and prey on the old and the weak? And if it's OK to just take what you need then I guess I shouldn't have such a bad attitude about all the current lazy, POS thieving humans on the planet.

Laws keep good people in check....even bad people with something to lose.

All that goes out the window went there is nothing to stop you from simply killing that person for their loot.. or daughter...that's an extreme "everything goes to complete shit"though....not a local disaster.
I guess I associate with a more principled type of prepper ( at least by what they say) and I generally avoid any of the badass wanna be thieves. I mean if the end justifies the means then why not start a life of crime right now and prey on the old and the weak? And if it's OK to just take what you need then I guess I shouldn't have such a bad attitude about all the current lazy, POS thieving humans on the planet.

Because, most people are not in a fight for survival, now. Even the criminals do not need to kill to eat.

If TSHTF, then it will not be principled preppers v. wanna be thieves. It will be about someone that has something that another deems necessary to their survival.

We are all law-abiding. We are all stand-up guys and gals. And the people that have not prepped are just as law abiding and stand-up. And, when it's ten people wanting the last 9 [insert item here] and are all motivated, it will get gnarly. Because it will be a life-or-death decision.
Because, most people are not in a fight for survival, now. Even the criminals do not need to kill to eat.

If TSHTF, then it will not be principled preppers v. wanna be thieves. It will be about someone that has something that another deems necessary to their survival.

We are all law-abiding. We are all stand-up guys and gals. And the people that have not prepped are just as law abiding and stand-up. And, when it's ten people wanting the last 9 [insert item here] and are all motivated, it will get gnarly. Because it will be a life-or-death decision.

I'm aware that it could get beyond ugly, like The Road ugly. But I never plan to murder anyone over the last can of beans on the planet. If someone is trying to hurt me all bets are off. That is the thing that gets me. The "I'm just gonna take everyone else's shit" type people. That's their plan. Which just shows what type of people they are to begin with.

Back on topic.

Other things that might be good include nails, screws and other hardware and hand tools.

I also read, (Ferfal?) that when trading it's best not to have a shiny new box or bottle of something. Trading things that are obviously used helps you lay low.
if you're in SHTF, acknowledging you have anything TO barter paints a target on you and yours.

I have some junk solver coins, because they could be construed as something of value that you could have had around that you can't eat, drink, shoot, smoke or f*ck.

Consider carefully anyone you would trade with by admitting you have an EXCESS of food, ammo, booze, meds, etc.

If you would plan a trade, keep a wardrobe change of dirty/worn clothes a size or 2 too big. Want them to know you're well fed?

I'd be much more willing to barter knowledge or a service that a tangible. Safer. YMMV.
For instance - I don't use tobacco but I think that would be a commodity with IMMENSE VALUE in a SHTF scenario. But I'm not sure I would want to stock even say $100 worth as that means $100 I don't have to add to my food/water stores.

I wouldn't stockpile cigs unless I was a smoker. They get stale and it would cost too much and take up space. Depending on the time horizon you are planning for you could just grow the stuff. That's where tobacco comes from and seeds are cheap, easy enough to store and transport, and will remain viable for several years. Your first crop would be ready just about when the world supply of factory-rolled is exhausted. There are many sources, but here is a link as an example:
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