runs for Gov of TN

Jun 5, 2010
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Wow...just wow. These types of guys we DON'T need. His heart may be in the right place, but MAN does he need to work on his public speaking skills.

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I say good for him. This is what Democracy is. I am sick and tired of seeing well-polished, good public-speaking, total airheads who don't actually believe in anything except in how to lie, cheat, or steal to stay in power. He might be one of the few people running I've seen who can actually admit he's just "borrowing" the seat for a period of time, not running for Kind of World to oversee the working class. That plus at least he's taking a position on an issue rather than giving a well-crafted response that isn't even an answer at all to try and upset the least number people while appeasing the rest.

I can't say I would necessarily vote for this guy but I recognize his importance, especially in today's political environment.
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