BEETS! Canning help

i pickled some beets a couple of weeks ago in a water batch. just used vinegar and sugar. not sure if that's your definition of sweet.

2.5 Cups white vinegar (5% acid)
1 Cup water
1 Cup sugar
It was only my second time caning, and I only had 4 beets. I made the very small jars, and one quart sized jar.

So I actually doubled that recipe so I would have enough liquid to fill the quart sized jar because I didn't have enough beets to fill the space.

I forgot to mention that I boiled the beets. Also boiled the vinegar, water, sugar mix seperately. Skinned the beets, cut them up, simmered them in the vinegar, water, sugar mix, then added them to jars for processing.
I have no advice re: canning beets. The only advice I can offer: don't panic when you go to the bathroom the day after you eat some of your beets.
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