Beretta ARX100 IKWIG


NES Member
Jun 26, 2017
Feedback: 45 / 0 / 0
You want to post what you want for the price you want that is fine. I believe unconditionally in the free market. I’m not going to message you beyond reacting to your post.
Apparently some egos are so fragile Edit below that you dropping a 🤣 on their post is enough to warrant them messaging you.
@Kisspik002 dislikes people doing this to his post so much that he felt the need to justify his price that he messaged me as a response and dragged up a post of a gun I posted for sale 2 years ago and sold the same day as posting.
A used painted Daniel defense that I sold for $1700.
He is selling an ARX100 for $2600
Nobody even wanted that gun when it was $1000 and still don’t want it elsewhere at $1000.
So not entirely to drag him I’m actually going offer a service to the first person that takes this up. So as the free market demands if somebody is interested in having one and wants one. You get the gun on gunbroker. Get in contact with me. We’ll arrange getting it to NH and complianced. Then brought into the state to a dealer at the mill to get it to you. I will cover the cost of the compliance and your transfer in MA. I will do this for the first person that takes up the offer.

Edit: Further messages occurred and the conversation continues my offer to assist in this service will stand though

@EddieCoyle @CrackPot
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No fragile egos here man. It’s called capitalism.

I asked if you were interested. You said no. All good here man.
This is not a legitimate complaint unless the ad was in fact encapsulated with unicorns and rainbows to attract newbs and morons.
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