Beretta Bobcat


NES Member
Jan 14, 2006
South Eastern, MA
Feedback: 56 / 0 / 0
I saw an add on a local page today for a Beretta Bobcat for $150. I figured it was a good deal so I contacted the seller and so did many others, but haven't heard back so it's probably gone. I'm not even sure why I wanted it, just something about those little Berettas that look neat.

I know people here have them so I'd like to know opinions on them and what do they normally go for?
What I like about the bobcat. I like that it's unique in many respects. First it's very well-made. All metal with either plastic or wooden grips. The tilt barrel is a great design. So easy to unload/ load while leaving the mag in. If you get the plastic chamber insert with the gun it's very easy to tell visually if the chambers loaded or not. It's SA/DA with a 1911 style safety witch allows for cocked & locked carry if preferred. The magazine is also located in a unique spot. A button underneath the palm low on the left side grip. Field stripping is a breeze. The tolerances are engineered well on this little mouse gun that fits in your pocket. Mine works well and is very reliable with all varieties of ammo.

Payed $190 original Mass onion skin paper work, box, mini Beretta trigger lock, plastic chamber indicator. ( granted this was years back).
I had one and it was fun. A little picky with ammo. I just got bored with it as I normally shoot my Ruger MK iii. Fair MA price depending on features and condition, $275 - $375.
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