Best place for buying/ordering parts for an AR build

steven grammont

NES Member
Apr 25, 2019
N. Central Mass
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I'm in the process of putting together my first AR build ( I own a POF Minute Man) , but have never built one before. Curious to where you seasoned veterans buy your components from , I have a few stripped lowers , plan on putting together a few different variations. First one is going to sort of be a budget build that I will mostly let others use while at the range. Looking to be steered in the right direction to buy parts ........
N addition to the ones listed I like a few smaller outlets that tend to have obscure stuff or popular things the big stores don’t have In stock

All 3 of these have bailed me out in the past

depends upon what you want. just for usual lower kits - ar15discounts, and they still have larue triggers for $84.
it is only a matter of what vendor got what on sale at a given moment in time to choose whom to order from.

optics planet had a nice stock on sale for a while - let me see... this:

just never order anything back-ordered from them, as it will take forever.
Primary arms and optics planet are pretty good when you find the right deals and coupon codes.
I hate optics planet's speed of shipping and then lack of options. They seem to insist on DHS and then switch delivery to USPS. Sometimes I want things fast and am willing to pay. They are at the bottom of my list now.
I hate optics planet's speed of shipping and then lack of options. They seem to insist on DHS and then switch delivery to USPS. Sometimes I want things fast and am willing to pay. They are at the bottom of my list now.
That’s the free shipping method..and for me has been very fast. If you want to pay optics will ship next day. They also have 2 day options.
Can't testify as to this place being the best but I have gotten lots of parts from them with satisfactory results:
Also found that this one has lots of individual parts that come in handy when doing an AR build, good service as well and they have a great selction of HK rifle parts too:
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if you know how to cook it - no need to hate it. they are just like any other vendor, just do not order nonstock items and call in to cancel quick if not in stock.
Oh yeah, that problem too Says temporarily out of stock when it was in stock before you placed the order. One time I bought a telescope from them and they managed to screw up the ship to label with a completely different address. You got to really try hard to f**k that up. Midway is way better all around.
I hate optics planet's speed of shipping and then lack of options. They seem to insist on DHS and then switch delivery to USPS. Sometimes I want things fast and am willing to pay. They are at the bottom of my list now.
That's why I use EuroOptic now. Fast to ship without paying for that aspect. Plus they often have fast shipping on a LOT of items. Unlike optics planet, if EuroOptic says something is in stock, IT IS. No drop ship from distributor BS like OP often does.

IME/IMO, if someplace doesn't give tracking info for an order within a couple of business days, they don't have the item in stock. OP has taken extended time to ship to people when they claimed to have it in stock. The only acceptable delay, beyond a few business days, is if they put a banner up on the site informing people that it's due to high order volume. IIRC Magpul did that during the holidays but still shipped out pretty fast.
I have had good order history with Euro Optics and Scopelist. Their prices were neck in neck at times, and Black Friday the year before I think, they were price competing in real time, as one site stopped the deep discount as soon as the other showed out-of-stock on Aimpoint T2 I was eyeing. Euro Optics let me order back-ordered items on the sale price and delivered not long after.

Scopelist has a cool feature that you can make an offer on an item, and they will accept some haggling. I bought some nice scope mounts that way.

I had decent experience even with going back more than 10 years, which everyone sh*ts on. I got an new-old-stock Noveske complete upper at a good discount long ago. It had cheese-grater quad rail, heavy and solid.
Primary Arms, Midway, Brownells, Red X Arms, G & R Tactical…. I’ve had good luck getting parts from all of them.

I have extra NOS barrels, uppers, BCGs, charging handles, triggers, and various repair parts. Send me a list of what you need and I’ll see what I have.
No mention of GAFS? Tacswap? Be smart and these secondary markets are great places to find parts and accessories for insane pricing. When you have the ability to buy AND sell things then it opens up an entire world of possibilities. For example, I sold the factory chassis on my bolt action and bought the one I wanted. Instead of spending $600 new, it ended up being $50 out of pocket after selling the old chassis.

There are bad actors though. I've been scammed once on a low ticket item before. Even so, the amount I've saved has to be in the thousands at this point. Also, it takes some time to build up your own reputation. It's easier to buy at first. With enough transactions you'll be able to start selling pretty easily.

I've seen listings here on NES that are also on tacswap and GAFS so I know there are other members here who use these with great success.
Another +1 for Wing Tactical. Their prices are pretty righteous.

An option I haven’t seen yet would be “other NES members” and with that I present the conditional “only if they’re not flippers 🐬🌈🦄” because I’ve bought great uppers and lowers alike from them (working on an optic currently). Then for BCGs and CHs you can go to Midway, Brownells, etc.
Places I most frequently use are Primary Arms, Midway USA, Brownells, Rooftop Defense, Titan Defense, Big Tex Ordnance, V1 Tactical and buy optics almost exclusively from EuroOptic, usually emailing their sales team to see if they can do better on published prices, and almost every time, they come through strong.
Can't testify as to this place being the best but I have gotten lots of parts from them with satisfactory results:
Also found that this one has lots of individual parts that come in handy when doing an AR build, good service as well and they have a great selction of HK rifle parts too:
Second JSE I’ve also used them in the past with great results
I hate optics planet's speed of shipping and then lack of options. They seem to insist on DHS and then switch delivery to USPS. Sometimes I want things fast and am willing to pay. They are at the bottom of my list now.
If someone uses f***stick planet at all, I'm going to be that guy.... at this point, you get what you deserve. It's like taking Spirit airlines and bitching about your flight getting delayed because a Dowanna had to be thrown off the plane before takeoff. 🤣
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