Best place to buy a M16 LPK


NES Member
Jan 27, 2009
Central NH and Boston Metro West
Feedback: 34 / 0 / 1
All, I'm looking for somewhere to buy a M16 LPK and not get raped.

I'm an 07 FFL with a shiny new Class 2 SOT. I've got accounts at JSC, RSR, Davidson's and Lipseys if that matters.

Any advice is appreciated. I'd obviously prefer to purchase wholesale but I just don't know where to go.

I dont' actually need a whole LPK. I've got enough lower parts to build a dozen AR15s. I believe all I actually need is the trigger, autosear, and autosear pin. Any advice or correction is appreciated.


You also need the hammer, disconnector and safety. Dunno about wholesale, but Brownells sells M-16 fire control parts (DPMS and Colt). Specialized Armament sells factory Colt stuff, but $$$.
Thank you. I knew about the hammer and safety, but forgot to write them down.

I did not think of the disconnector.

From what I can find, an entire LPK is only $20 more than just the fire control parts.

This is why I have a drawer full of AR lower parts. Ha.
Commercial Row at Camp Perry. There are a couple vendors there that sell individual parts at pretty good prices without getting all up in your business.
M&A Parts sells M16 parts that you are looking for.( Auto sear w/pin $20, hammer $18, Trigger $18 , disconnector $6, M16 safety selector $12) Not sure about wholesale. I've ordered individual parts from them in the past and they weren't too bad and shipping was relatively quick, but that was probably 4 or 5 years ago.
M&A Parts sells M16 parts that you are looking for.( Auto sear w/pin $20, hammer $18, Trigger $18 , disconnector $6, M16 safety selector $12) Not sure about wholesale. I've ordered individual parts from them in the past and they weren't too bad and shipping was relatively quick, but that was probably 4 or 5 years ago.

M&A is one if the vendors that's always at Perry. Nice guy and I've scored some pretty good deals.
M&A is one if the vendors that's always at Perry. Nice guy and I've scored some pretty good deals.

Oh, that's good to know, kind of a little more reassuring. I've only dealt with them online a couple of times and they shipped what I ordered the same day, actually I think it was within hours of me placing the order. And when everyone else was jacking prices during the first Obama scare, they had some of the better pricing out there.
One question just to get this into the public record.

Has anyone ever ordered from New Frontier Armory?


- - - Updated - - -

One more queston.

My lowers are Bushmaster. Someone at my gun club suggested I try to get Bushmaster LPKs. Does this make any sense?

p.s. Another person said to get a Colt kit regardless of what brand lower I have.
While I have no experience with full auto fire control parts, I would NOT get anything Bushmaster. If you have a choice get a Colt or another quality vendor like LMT (if they make select fire).
Personally, given how much money you already spent, I would got with Geissele Super SOCOM trigger - recently adopted by US SOCOM.
I have the semi-auto SSA trigger and like it quite a bit.

One question just to get this into the public record.

Has anyone ever ordered from New Frontier Armory?


- - - Updated - - -

One more queston.

My lowers are Bushmaster. Someone at my gun club suggested I try to get Bushmaster LPKs. Does this make any sense?

p.s. Another person said to get a Colt kit regardless of what brand lower I have.
One question just to get this into the public record.

Has anyone ever ordered from New Frontier Armory?


- - - Updated - - -

One more queston.

My lowers are Bushmaster. Someone at my gun club suggested I try to get Bushmaster LPKs. Does this make any sense?

p.s. Another person said to get a Colt kit regardless of what brand lower I have.

FA kits are all basically the same as long as the parts are mil spec from the supplier. I suggested NFA and bought three of their FA kits and they work perfectly fine. You usually have to call to get what you want as a dealer. There is a dealer only form the owner lurks on constantly. PMAGS him there if needed.
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