Best place to get a H&R Pardner Pump Protector (18.5") in MA?

Jan 25, 2012
North shore, MA
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I'm looking for an H&R Pardner Pump Protector, 12ga in the 18.5" barrel. It sounds like Dicks can get it for $220. Everywhere else seems to sell it for $170.

Does anyone know any shops in MA that carry this (or can get it) that sell it for less than $220?

Thanks all!
Why do you want one? I have one, i don't think its worth it, save for something that is not a cheap Chinese knock off. I would take my glock 19 over the shotgun for home defense. have you shot the pardner pump?
Why do you want one? I have one, i don't think its worth it, save for something that is not a cheap Chinese knock off. I would take my glock 19 over the shotgun for home defense. have you shot the pardner pump?

Well, I'm pretty sure I won't be using this very much, it's mainly going to be for range fun. For that reason alone I wouldn't want to spend that much on it. I've also read quite a few reviews (and watched review videos) and haven't really heard anything bad about them. From everything I've heard they are simple, heavy, pretty easy to accessorize, and fun.
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