Better Be Planting This Year. 2022+ And Up MEGATHREAD

I’ve been quite busy, some comments on what I’ve read and wanted to respond to. Take it for what it’s worth…


The biggest pain with carrots is the root fly maggot . You can mitigate it a couple of ways.

1. Intersperse radish seed at the same time as you plant your carrots. The radish will germinate first and draw the root fly maggot to them.

2. Put up burlap fencing around carrot seedlings. Be sure the is fencing 18 inches high as the maggot cannot fly this high.

Carrot root fly can only fly short distances. Putting up barriers every 18 inches around plants prohibits the root fly maggot form getting to your roots/carrots.

Root crop storage:

Most root crops are best stored in the ground where they grew.

If you mulch your root crops they can survive most freezes. In fact, the carbohydrates in the root crops, once exposed to a freeze, will convert to sugar and be significantly sweeter if allowed to winter over.

Carrots are like candy.
So if I throw some straw over my carrots and (maybe) beets I can just leave them in the ground? As long as I control for the root fly maggot? That would be great.
Not sure why this one is sideways. Spent a few hours weeding. Things are coming back now that the pesky wabbit has been dealt with. Gave me some pride seeing what was eaten coming back so well. Juvenile rabbit could fit right thru the fencing and was feasting himself. 50 pea plants and 8 pole beans decimated.
Full veg garden setup this year. Something like 19x16. Right half peppers- purple, yellow and jalapeño. Romaine, red leaf, Egyptian onion from @mousegunguy. The rabbits ate all my India peas tho rich! Bastards. Also have pole beans on that side and a mountain girl tomato plant. Only one tomato this year I never use them all and family grows a lot too. Left side is for runners. Cucumbers, zucchini, yellow squash and butternut squash. Already harvested some of both lettuce and some purple bell peppers. Replanted 45 sugar snap and another variety of pea today. Should be in well before first frost in September. Thinking doing some carrots in Containers tomorrow as well…have the seeds so why not.
Getting first zucchini tomorrow, were nice size today but perfect tomorrow, not too big. Should have yellow crookneck by Sunday/ Monday and first cucumbers mid next week.
Where I’ve been working on my wild blackberries. Poison oak and a really annoying invasive vine have taken over the area pretty bad. The poison oak was…itchy.
Stray cucumber seed i had in my pocket and threw there while mowing. He is a survivor so I gave him an upside down tomato trellis thing to climb as it was unused this season. Just moved a hanging flower plant near him to attract in some more pollinators. Not much doin over that area after the rhododendron finish blooming.
Look closely you can see I should get a decent amount of berries. I’ll cut the cane out carefully I think and harvest them that way to avoid the poison oak. Gonna fight like hell next year to stop it from coming in early in the spring.
A few other juvenile berry bushes I’ve been trying to get producing.
Concord grape plant in front of the trellis. Also a watermelon in there as well. Closeup below. Juvenile berry patch above just to left outside this fence.
This watermelon had some nice looking flowers and eventually ping pong sized watermelons. Only to be eaten by something. So recently up went this fence.

I started late this year most planting done last week may to June second. Usually I’m earlier but was on vacation at that early time. But knowing how long things need and your frost dates helps a lot. I’m zone 6b I believe.
Happy growing all!🤙🏻

Edit; spelling and syntax from phone typing errors
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Went down for a quick garden check this morning and realized I haven’t been paying much attention to my tomatoes. I figured I would give them a light prune because the bottom foliage is dying off and there were tons of suckers. I really didn’t want to prune to much all at once, especially on a hot day like this, but I didn’t know when I would have time next. So I ended up trimming a lot.

Of course, I didn’t bring my clippers down because I wasn’t expecting to prune. No problem - I keep my pocket knife shaving sharp! But shoving a shaving sharp knife into a tomato jungle where you can’t see it can be dangerous.

I did notice my first failure of the string setup. One of the strings broke in the storm yesterday. Now I’m a bit nervous because that plant probably had 25lbs of tomatoes on it - I don’t know how long this string will support that even without a storm. I am still loving this setup but it needs something stronger. I need to get down there to run some more support or replace it with something stronger. But almost all these plants are as tall as me and some are to the top of the support already. I guess I will see if I can let them grow up and over and back down the other side. Not sure if that will work out.
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One of the strings broke in the storm yesterday. Now I’m a bit nervous because that plant probably had 25lbs of tomatoes on it - I don’t know how long this string will support that even without a storm. I am still loving this setup but it needs something stronger.

Paracord 550...
(550 means rated for 550 pounds. at 0.16 of an inch thickness)
many, many, many other uses...
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A couple of drywall screws along the ridgepole and bowline knots at the top of the lines and you would be able
to take them down and reuse them every year...
Went down for a quick garden check this morning and realized I haven’t been paying much attention to my tomatoes. I figured I would give them a light prune because the bottom foliage is dying off and there were tons of suckers. I really didn’t want to prune to much all at once, especially on a hot day like this, but I didn’t know when I would have time next. So I ended up trimming a lot.

Of course, I didn’t bring my clippers down because I wasn’t expecting to prune. No problem - I keep my pocket knife shaving sharp! But shoving a shaving sharp knife into a tomato jungle where you can’t see it can be dangerous.

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I did notice my first failure of the string setup. One of the strings broke in the storm yesterday. Now I’m a bit nervous because that plant probably had 25lbs of tomatoes on it - I don’t know how long this string will support that even without a storm. I am still loving this setup but it needs something stronger. I need to get down there to run some more support or replace it with something stronger. But almost all these plants are as tall as me and some are to the top of the support already. I guess I will see if I can let them grow up and over and back down the other side. Not sure if that will work out.
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Im having the same problem with the 7ft bamboo poles. Just not sturdy enough and have had a couple losses. Planning to do the string method next year (maybe with paracord now ty @enbloc )
Im having the same problem with the 7ft bamboo poles. Just not sturdy enough and have had a couple losses. Planning to do the string method next year (maybe with paracord now ty @enbloc )
These are the clips I used. I bought 200 figuring it would be way more than enough but I am almost out. I am pretty sure they will work with the paracord but will update when I know for sure.

100~500PCS Tomato and Veggie Garden Plant Support Clips Trellis Twine Greenhouse | eBay
Good to learn how to properly save seeds, try them next year and see how well you did...
Supermarket veggie seeds are a crapshoot. A "mystery" of what's in it.

Learn now, We may not always have access to Burpee...

Good to learn how to properly save seeds, try them next year and see how well you did...
Supermarket veggie seeds are a crapshoot. A "mystery" of what's in it.

Learn now, We may not always have access to Burpee...

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Agree 100%. I am going to try to save seeds for everything where I am only growing one variety - except my peas because I wanted that mildew out of the garden. But I’m hopeful I’ll still have fedco, johnnys, and/or high meadow even when burpee is gone. Though they are still a bit far away. Anyone have a commercial source in central NE?
Any reason? Im curious
If the veggies in the store are grown in, say, California or Mexico they may not do well in New England. Commercial farmers that distribute nationwide know what varieties will work best on their farm. Your condition may be different.
That being said, I've saved seeds from cukes, squash and melons from the grocery store and have had good luck overall.
I believe also that you need to be careful saving seeds to avoid hybrids. If a plant gets cross pollinated with a different variety you won’t grow the same fruit you just ate. Might be better, but likely to be worse. I think. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
Hybrid seeds won’t produce the same fruit as the original plant.

Non-hybrid seeds (heirloom) grow true.

You can certainly save seeds from store bought fruit. Just make sure it’s from a non hybrid variety.
If the veggies in the store are grown in, say, California or Mexico they may not do well in New England. Commercial farmers that distribute nationwide know what varieties will work best on their farm. Your condition may be different.
That being said, I've saved seeds from cukes, squash and melons from the grocery store and have had good luck overall.

This is ridiculous.

No vegetable you grow in your garden is native to New England.
Half the weeds growing in your garden aren’t even from North America.

Tomatoes grown in California are the same tomatoes grown In Ohio. They all are native to Soith America.
This is ridiculous.

No vegetable you grow in your garden is native to New England.
Half the weeds growing in your garden aren’t even from North America.

Tomatoes grown in California are the same tomatoes grown In Ohio. They all are native to Soith America.
Not native to NE but will produce better. I read it in a book.
green beans coming back after no more rabbit!

some jalapeños doing nicely
this guy fell over in the strong winds recently, lost one tomato but no root breakage. have the tomato on the window sill to see if it will ripen, if not trying a fried green tomato for the first time at home!

onions doing well this year! however, I'mnot quite sure how to tell when these are ready.
yellow bell peppers growing nicely, still a bit to go before changing color.

harvested the first two zucchini yesterday, no pic and already ate them. planted from seed on 6/1. yellow squash within next few days.
planted 35 sugar snap peas and 20 crunch peas yesterday for a harvest before first frost. planting Nantes carrots in containers today.

anyone else having fun in their garden this year? I was not when everything was being eaten on me. all my hard work seemingly for nothing. but it is coming back now pretty well! the ebb and flow of life I suppose, right?
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i am having tons of fun in the garden this year! It definitely helps when I’m getting lucky with everything.

Paracord is the perfect thing for my string tomatoes. I swapped out all the strings in my big heirlooms. Didn’t have the endurance in the heat to do the cherries. They are a lot lighter but I will still try to swap them at some point.

Below is my haul for today. If anyone knows of a food bank in the monadnock region that will take fresh produce please let me know. We are trying to find one but can’t get anyone on the phone.

Pruned back my watermelon plants and found this guy hiding in there.

i am having tons of fun in the garden this year! It definitely helps when I’m getting lucky with everything.

Paracord is the perfect thing for my string tomatoes. I swapped out all the strings in my big heirlooms. Didn’t have the endurance in the heat to do the cherries. They are a lot lighter but I will still try to swap them at some point.

Below is my haul for today. If anyone knows of a food bank in the monadnock region that will take fresh produce please let me know. We are trying to find one but can’t get anyone on the phone.
View attachment 641486

Pruned back my watermelon plants and found this guy hiding in there.

View attachment 641487
Nice haul!

If Milford, NH is close enough for you, they have a food pantry as well as a variety of other services. They do take fresh produce. There is a FB group as well as
Nice haul!

If Milford, NH is close enough for you, they have a food pantry as well as a variety of other services. They do take fresh produce. There is a FB group as well as
Thank you! That’s not too far from me. It’s far enough I’m hesitant to make the trip given gas prices. But my wife is in that area from time to time so that is a good option.
Thank you! That’s not too far from me. It’s far enough I’m hesitant to make the trip given gas prices. But my wife is in that area from time to time so that is a good option.
a little table or basket with "garden extras, help yourself!" at the bottom of my driveway works well. the neighbors appreciate it. always nice when someone random stops you while in the yard and says, "hey, such and such was delicious, thanks!"

if the food pantry is a little too far away gas wise to drop off, might be too far gas wise to pick up for some as well. so seeing it in the neighborhood could help get someone resources they may not have access to otherwise. just a thought! Nice haul so far

edit: talk to text syntax
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