Beware of Big Bear Arms

Jul 3, 2006
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My good friend Jim Archer who was the pioneer of the town permit movement (Archer v McGarry) went to pick up a firearm at Big Bear Arms on Route 44.

Even though he has a town permit and even though the law only requires a 4473 and a NICS check for town permit holders, Beverly at Big Bear arms made him fill out the state paperwork (which isn't required).

Jim tried to politely inform them that 11-47-35.2 exempts town permit holders from the ENTITE STATUTE.

Instead of Beverly and her husband reading the law, they were condescending to Jim and said something along the lines of "how do we know you didn't kill your wife last night".

Gun stores like this should be ostracized. If they don't plan to follow the exemptions in the law. They should let people know so people can go to places like Competition Shooting or others that do follow the law.

To add insult to injury, Beverly said she has been in this business for 25 years. You would think 25 years would be long enough to read the exemptions in 11-47-35.1 and .2

The town permit law's exemptions in 11-47-35.1 and 11-47-35.2 are very clear.

In essence, buyer beware, and if you are going to do a out of state transfer, and you have a town permit and wish to exercise your rights under the permit. It is important to find a gun store that is not ignorant of the law.
I've had nothing but great experiences at Big Bear. I love the Mom and Pop shop. I've never asked or talked about any gun laws with them but all my shopping and looking/handling guns I was interested in were all positive. Sorry for your bad experience. Maybe they were just having a bad day, we all have those once in a while.
If you have a town permit (not sure if you do), it's reasonable to expect the gun shop to follow 11-47-35.1 and the exemption in 11-47-35.2

If they don't then town permit holders should definitely consider patronizing someone else.

It would be no different than if a non town permit holder (7 day waiting period, blue card, and state paperwork) was told that they have to wait 14 days because it's "their policy".

Not to mention, softly accusing the one person who has done so much for RI gun rights of murder is abhorrent.
Here is what happened with me.

I do a lot of transfers. In fact I did so many Bev offered me a discount which I gladly accepted.

One day I go in to get my new pistol. We'll... they can't find it. George starts getting really aggravated. I felt bad so I said I am sorry this is causing you a problem. Bev said that it is no problem to which George cut in and replied. Yes you are a causing us a problem. This is not what we are in the gun business for. We are in it to MAKE MONEY. Not do your transfers for peanuts. Especially for you after you "WEASELED" us down five dollars. He did find the gun which he had misplaced and I did get it.

Needless to say I never went back again.

I have never been treated so disrespectfully ever in my life. If you don't want to do transfers don't do em. But that was over the line. If you don't believe me you are welcome to go to the shop and ask George if that was what happened. Look him in the eye when you do. You'll know I am telling the truth.

Anyway, God Bless them. I hope they are doing well. But I am not going back there again.
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Here is what happened with me.

I do a lot of transfers. In fact I did so many Bev offered me a discount which I gladly accepted.

One day I go in to get my new pistol. We'll... they can't find it. George starts getting really aggravated. I felt bad so I said I am sorry this is causing you a problem. Bev said that it is no problem to which George cut in and replied. Yes you are a causing us a problem. This is not what we are in the gun business for. We are in it to MAKE MONEY. Not do your transfers for peanuts. Especially for you after you "WEASELED" us down five dollars. He did find the gun which he had misplaced and I did get it.

Needless to say I never went back again.

I have never been treated so disrespectfully ever in my life. If you don't want to do transfers don't do em. But that was over the line. If you don't believe me you are welcome to go to the shop and ask George if that was what happened. Look him in the eye when you do. You'll know I am telling the truth.

Anyway, God Bless them. I hope they are doing well. But I am not going back there again.

So you negotiated a transfer price, then they agreed to it, but they had the audacity to whine about it after they agreed to it?

Wow, just wow. They look like they're trying to build up "gun room" grade rep... [rofl]

So you negotiated a transfer price, then they agreed to it, but they had the audacity to whine about it after they agreed to it?

Wow, just wow. They look like they're trying to build up "gun room" grade rep... [rofl]


Not even.

I did not ask for a discount. Bev offered and I accepted and thanked her.

She actually did tell George that what he said was not true and that I did not "WEASEL" anyone down. That is the exact word he used.

Anyway. I hope they do well and I have nothing against them as people. Everyone has bad days. But I will never do business with them again.
The account Jared related about what happened when I visited was accurate, thanks to Jared for posting it. True, I was unhappy that they wanted me to fill out the state form I am exempted from, and worse that they were going to sent it to a police chief, which is just a waste of time. They did let me take the firearm, but what if the chief somehow mistook me for someone else and decided I was not supposed to have it? We're they going to send a SWAT team to get it away from me?

Mostly, I didn't like their stubborn attitude. They kept telling me how many years they have been in business and they know the laws and blah blah blah and just who who was it that told me otherwise? In fact, they were not only stubborn, they were dismissive and condescending. I have a friend who has his own expression, "you can't reason with chubby the dog." Inside joke, but his way of saying you can't talk to a stone wall. Finally they just insisted that I had to fill out the form because it's their policy. They did offer to send my rifle to another shop, but of course that's time and money. I work in Cambridge, it's hard to spare time. So I gave in.

Anyhow, I can't argue with their policy. But I can decide I won't be back. And I won't. It's a shame, it seems like a nice shop and it's right up the road from me. Oh well.
Here is what happened with me.

I do a lot of transfers. In fact I did so many Bev offered me a discount which I gladly accepted.

One day I go in to get my new pistol. We'll... they can't find it. George starts getting really aggravated. I felt bad so I said I am sorry this is causing you a problem. Bev said that it is no problem to which George cut in and replied. Yes you are a causing us a problem. This is not what we are in the gun business for. We are in it to MAKE MONEY. Not do your transfers for peanuts. Especially for you after you "WEASELED" us down five dollars. He did find the gun which he had misplaced and I did get it.

Needless to say I never went back again.

I have never been treated so disrespectfully ever in my life. If you don't want to do transfers don't do em. But that was over the line. If you don't believe me you are welcome to go to the shop and ask George if that was what happened. Look him in the eye when you do. You'll know I am telling the truth.

Anyway, God Bless them. I hope they are doing well. But I am not going back there again.
Sorry to hear you got caught in a domestic dispute. Those are always nasty [wink]
I believe in Rhode island there are two permits to carry concealed. One can be issued by local chief of police (town permit), our you can go through the attorney General.
The town permit bypasses some local paperwork and a waiting period for RI residents; the AG permit does not.

The AG permit allows open carry; the town permit does not.

Town permits are supposedly (emphasis suppoedly) shall issue. The AG permit is may issue.
The town permit bypasses some local paperwork and a waiting period for RI residents; the AG permit does not.

The AG permit allows open carry; the town permit does not.

Town permits are supposedly (emphasis supposedly) shall issue. The AG permit is may issue.

Also you don't need a permit to purchase a pistol, just a simple educational test administered by the DEM. It's called a Blue Card, because it's blue.
I was driving by on 44 and I saw the place was all boarded up. Looking it up now, seems they had a fire:

Fire at Big Bear avoids ammunition

They did, and they actually lost pretty much everything as far as ammo and guns. They (Will and Andre) are setting up a new shop on the side of the plaza they were in, they own the whole lot I think. I was there yesterday, they are about 2 weeks from being fully open in the new shop.

As far as the new ownership, it is definitely much better than before. I never had a problem with Beverly, but I can see how some would. Will has been great to deal with.
Just thought I'd mention that Big Bear is under new management, and the vibe is a little different now.


A better, or worse, vibe?

Different in some ways, similar in others. New owner is a guy in his 30s with a wife + kids who will usually be around the shop. So still a husband + wife but the new guy is not FUDD'y, more with it in regards to the RI 2A movement. More plugged in, to, uh, reality.

They did, and they actually lost pretty much everything as far as ammo and guns. They (Will and Andre) are setting up a new shop on the side of the plaza they were in, they own the whole lot I think. I was there yesterday, they are about 2 weeks from being fully open in the new shop.

As far as the new ownership, it is definitely much better than before. I never had a problem with Beverly, but I can see how some would. Will has been great to deal with.

I've never seen another adult male behind the counter of newly-run Big Bear. Maybe he split after the fire. "The new shop" you mentioned as of 2018 is sort of a clone of the old shop but tilted 90 degrees because its on the other side of the plaza near the restaurant. The "old shop" is currently being refurbished into something else.

I lived in Glocester since before the old store existed. The old shop owners weren't good for much, maybe bait at like 4am (or 6am, I don't think they were ever open early) on a Saturday before ice fishing, the odd bottle of Hoppe's, and perhaps ammo. Never bought a gun there and I never considered it because they didn't have anything I wanted at a reasonable price. Never enjoyed doing business with the old owners nor did my dad.

I hope the "new" guy does well.
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