Biden: Americans need F-15s to fight me

Lol, the government is an expert on violence. It is all they really do well. You don't fight them on their terms or loss is guaranteed. Fight them where they have no idea what to do. Do things like refuse to obey, use bitcoin, and post memes. They hate memes, makes them lose their minds.
We know where your F-15s are. Do you know where our AR-15s are?
Unfortunately, the plandemic has shown us that formerly reasonable people will turn on their neighbors and become the eyes and ears of dictators in the name of the greater good. If you live in Massachusetts, you would be nuts to tell 99% of your neighbors that you have firearms, even if you get along with them.

We’ll eventually start seeing a full court press by the anti-2a folks to impress upon people that they can red flag their neighbors who own firearms if they failed to say good morning to them one day. Don’t think that will happen? People creamed themselves with the power to report their neighbors who had gatherings during the lockdowns, what do you think they’ll do when they figure out they have the power to permanently disarm you with a phone call?
Unfortunately, the plandemic has shown us that formerly reasonable people will turn on their neighbors and become the eyes and ears of dictators in the name of the greater good. If you live in Massachusetts, you would be nuts to tell 99% of your neighbors that you have firearms, even if you get along with them.

We’ll eventually start seeing a full court press by the anti-2a folks to impress upon people that they can red flag their neighbors who own firearms if they failed to say good morning to them one day. Don’t think that will happen? People creamed themselves with the power to report their neighbors who had gatherings during the lockdowns, what do you think they’ll do when they figure out they have the power to permanently disarm you with a phone call?

that will become the next line on that insipid lawn sign, "neighborhoods should be gun free"
challenge accepted.

20 years in Afghanistan and the US couldn't even beat a bunch of goat f***ers in tacomas with AKs, because our leaders lack the will to destroy a foreign goat f***ing enemy. Tell me again, Brandon, how you'll have the will to slaughter millions of Americans on American soil while the world watches.

You retarded old f***.

They'll have the will because their lives and power will be at risk whereas it was not in Afghanistan. Like Jan 6 even though there were no weapons and no violence the prosecutors are making their case priority one. They know the people of this country have the resolve to take them down and out of power.
Unfortunately, the plandemic has shown us that formerly reasonable people will turn on their neighbors and become the eyes and ears of dictators in the name of the greater good. If you live in Massachusetts, you would be nuts to tell 99% of your neighbors that you have firearms, even if you get along with them.

We’ll eventually start seeing a full court press by the anti-2a folks to impress upon people that they can red flag their neighbors who own firearms if they failed to say good morning to them one day. Don’t think that will happen? People creamed themselves with the power to report their neighbors who had gatherings during the lockdowns, what do you think they’ll do when they figure out they have the power to permanently disarm you with a phone call?

I think a neighborly game of low light 22LR head tag would not only be challenging, but it could also be quite fun. [laugh]
When we fought in Afghanistan, our soldiers were on a secure base with each other.

Stateside, most live off base with their families.

Ever see the long slow lines of traffic trying to get onto a military base?

You kicked out the people who want to do the job in favor of your social experiment.
Well we already paid for them...
Ummmmm....probably not. They are probably on the 31trillion dollar credit card bill.

But see what happens to the governments credit rating when they start bombing us with F15's and people cease all payment of taxes. They probably won't be able to get a loan to buy
a box of 9mm.
Brandon just loves to threaten patriotic Americans. Insane, but true. o_O
Biden isn't an American. He's a Chinese agent controlled by the globalist tribe. He's a clown....and not the good kind either!

At least we now know where we stand with the 'government'! They hate us and we hate them!!

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When we fought in Afghanistan, our soldiers were on a secure base with each other.

Stateside, most live off base with their families.

Ever see the long slow lines of traffic trying to get onto a military base?

You kicked out the people who want to do the job in favor of your social experiment.

Doesn't the military still have severe recruiting problems right now? I have a hard time thinking that those blue haired screamers on tik tok are going to be enlisting tomorrow and willing to live under military rules or get the sh*t kicked out of them by their own platoon.
I remember during the BLM riots some dude had the whole city of Dallas upside down for over 3 hours. They finally caught up with him in a parking garage if I remember correctly and that was 1 guy, with 1 rifle, who had the whole city shook up.
challenge accepted.

20 years in Afghanistan and the US couldn't even beat a bunch of goat f***ers in tacomas with AKs, because our leaders lack the will to destroy a foreign goat f***ing enemy. Tell me again, Brandon, how you'll have the will to slaughter millions of Americans on American soil while the world watches.

You retarded old f***.
Oh, the Democrats have the will. I could name a half-dozen Leftards just in my own town who would love to see me dead and at least four of them would pull the trigger. And I live in a very quiet, copacetic, rural town.
Doesn't the military still have severe recruiting problems right now? I have a hard time thinking that those blue haired screamers on tik tok are going to be enlisting tomorrow and willing to live under military rules or get the sh*t kicked out of them by their own platoon.
probably why they’re hiring 87,000 doughy slobs at the IRS with the promise of using lethal force against fellow citizens. The blue hairs may not rush to join the military, that’s a big commitment, but, jumping on board with the IRS? You bet they’re going to flock there and that nice pension, plus after years of ratting on their neighbors for not wearing face masks, they need more power. You’ll cut off one of these slovenly Karens in traffic or piss her off on Facebook one day and then voila, this crack hit squad will be at your door! That’s when they’re not running through all of the “R’s” on the voting rolls and making their lives a living hell.

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