Biden just took a 15 point lead over Trump

If I were polled, I would say I'm voting for creepy joe just to keep them hopeful. I figure A LOT of R's might be doing the same. 90% probably dont want to deal with any possible backlash from the "tolerant left" and keep their political beliefs to themselves.
any poll or survey I definately play games.
The fact that Biden isn't even trying to campaign and the dems are ok with that makes me a bit worried. Its like they know the fix is in so why bother. I also have zero faith in the average Normie to do the right thing.
That's because no one needs to campaign anymore. D will vote D no matter what, and R will vote R.

Anyone that bothers to do research will most likely vote third party, stay at home or vote R.

So why waste money putting a show?

Also, campaigning would only hurt Biden. I am surprised Trump is not challenging him to start debating.
Sounds like 2016 again when the “experts” said that Trump didn’t stand a chance. Like Lucy pulling away the football, again, just as Charlie Brown is ready to kick.
Deja Vu all over again.....

2016 was Trump being a wild card vs one of the most unpopular candidates of recent history. This election is going to be determined by COVID and how people feel Trump handled it.
How do pollsters get ahold of people on the phone anymore? We have iPhones. If your number isn’t in our phones, you’re going right to voicemail. I’m unpollable.

so, no, don’t believe the polls.

couple of tidbits that show how badly Biden is doing. His poll numbers among blacks is down to 73%. And we know this is true because of Biden’s actions. He’s being forced to run ads to target blacks in GA and MI.

don’t listen to what they say, pay attention to what they do.
I don't believe polls because they're no longer trying to describe a population or predict an outcome. They're trying to influence the population and outcome, like an underhanded advertisement for what they want to be true. Truly objective science is rare.
I was looking for the video from 2016 election night, so I used DuckDuckGo with this input:
"Donald Trump Supercut Wins Election"

And I got pages of links to negative articles about Donald Trump.
If I were to believe the web, Donald Trump is going to lose.

It's awful - I remind myself of my Uncle Harry at times - so frustrated with the media.
I was too young when he died - I thought he was a bit of a crank - raving that the mainstream media lied.
I kinda wish he was still alive so I could tell him he was right.

Point being - I don't trust political polls any more than I trust political "news".

I had the same experience. There was an election 2016 mashup showing commentary from various Left sources as the results were tallied, gradually becoming more frenzied. The music was Grieg's "In the Hall of the Mountain King" and fit it perfectly. Now I can't find it and a YouTube search shows only results from big-name media sources like CNN, Business Insider, etc. The hunt continues but I'm afraid it's been unremembered 1984-style.

EDIT: Apparently I can find similar mashups with a few thousand views and only four comments, but not the original with millions of views and thousands of comments. It was one with Cenk Uygur wailing. Unapproved thought with enough attention gets unremembered.
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My fear (and expectation) is that the vote wont matter. This election will be stolen by the D's using fraud and mail in ballots. They only need to win FL, OH, and MI or WI. This will be the dirtiest, most contentious election ever. It sickens me, but afraid Joe is going to come out on top.

My wife and I got mail-in ballot "applications" (as if we requested them). All it takes is someone recognizing the ballot's (very distinct) exterior, opening it on my behalf, and filling out the "request an alternate address for the ballot" field. The penalties about falsifying the signature are a joke. How on earth do you enforce it? The truth is they have no incentive to.
My wife and I got mail-in ballot "applications" (as if we requested them). All it takes is someone recognizing the ballot's (very distinct) exterior, opening it on my behalf, and filling out the "request an alternate address for the ballot" field. The penalties about falsifying the signature are a joke. How on earth do you enforce it? The truth is they have no incentive to.
After a tsunami of expletives that sent the dog and wife ducking for cover mine immediately went to the shredder
After a tsunami of expletives that sent the dog and wife ducking for cover mine immediately went to the shredder
My concern is moving to Tennessee in Sep/Oct 2020. How do I know someone isn't taking the undeliverable mail in my name and voting for me in my old state? I can request to be taken off the voter registry but it may be too late.
After the Trump/Clinton election, I did a little research on how often polls get it right. Two things considered were the points on the margin, ie someone is 5 points ahead in a poll but wins but s significantly greater number, like 10 percent. The second thing was, is the predicted candidate the one that actually the person that won. Overall it was determined that polls are right about 85 percent of the time. Keep in mind that not all polls are conducted to yield accurate results as that costs more money and time to do. Many polls just want a fast result not an accurate one.

Also the polls that matter most are the ones where those polled are either with an actual voter or one that is highly likely to vote. Polls using people that don’t vote or with those not likely to vote have the greatest margins of error.

The takeaway is a legitimate poll has an 85+ percent of being right.

I had the same experience. There was an election 2016 mashup showing commentary from various Left sources as the results were tallied, gradually becoming more frenzied. The music was Grieg's "In the Hall of the Mountain King" and fit it perfectly. Now I can't find it and a YouTube search shows only results from big-name media sources like CNN, Business Insider, etc. The hunt continues but I'm afraid it's been unremembered 1984-style.

EDIT: Apparently I can find similar mashups with a few thousand views and only four comments, but not the original with millions of views and thousands of comments. It was one with Cenk Uygur wailing. Unapproved thought with enough attention gets unremembered.

Well if this mornings radio program is correct saying Biden has Lizzy in the top spot as VP choice this boils down to Joe as the dumbest person God ever shoveled guts into and Granny right up there with one of the most hated woman in modern times Trump 2020 should be an easy win.
My concern is moving to Tennessee in Sep/Oct 2020. How do I know someone isn't taking the undeliverable mail in my name and voting for me in my old state? I can request to be taken off the voter registry but it may be too late.
I hear ya. I don’t trust people or the post office one bit. My father retired from the post office. You used to be able to trust them. Not anymore. They are right up there with all the other dumb ass pass the buck corrupt government entities.
Actually, what needs to happen is the Republicans need to watch the process like hawks and be prepared to contest shenanigans as they occur (and they will).
It's sad that I have no faith whatsoever that, regardless of how obvious, the Republicans will put any real effort into fighting election fraud. You may have individual Republicans making a statement here and there (that no one will hear unless they browse conservative websites), but as far as pulling the ebrake and screaming their lungs out, I dont think it will ever happen. I mean, it's getting to the point where its becoming an existential threat for them on a personal level. Their careers and bank accounts are on the line here.
I’ve yet to see a Biden bumper stick or lawn sign. I know that doesn’t mean much but I don’t see any great enthusiasm behind him
These polls are total garbage. I wouldnt give them any creedance. But dont take anything for granted, vote and convince everyone you know to vote. I dont want to live in a Communist Utopia, which is what we will get with the Biden Bernie Bolshevik platform.
Biden will defeat himself come debates when the vast majority of current supporters realize how out of touch and senile the old man is, leaving just the radical left to support him, of which most will not actually support him financially, nor actually vote. Kind of a shame, as I do believe in having debates worth the time to watch.
I havent seen many signs for any candidate now that I think of it. The occasional Trump bumper sticker, along with the usual Warren stickers that probably have been there for a while and to a lesser extent Bernie stickers. I cant recall seeing any Biden support of any kind. Maybe people have gotten to the point where they feel the need to hide their power level?

Pretty much all the signage I'm seeing is for local elections. North shore fwiw. Have seen a good amount of Guida signs around these parts.
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