Black Bean Burgers from 4Patriots


Retired Zoomie
NES Life Member
NES Member
Apr 29, 2005
Western Mass
Feedback: 104 / 0 / 0
Does anyone have any first-hand experience with these? Are they any good, taste-wise?
...never had that brand but, I do like black bean burgers in general.

I'm fussy with this sort of thing as well. Black Bean burgers get a thumbs up from this guy.
🤨 To me there's just so much wrong with the term "bean burger", IMO bean patty would be more appropriate(probably sounds less appealing therefore less profitable).

It'd be like going out to dinner and having someone try and order "vegetarian carpaccio", I'm not sure I could keep myself from reaching across the table and punching that person in the face.

Then again what do I know, well aside from I'm kind of a dick.
Now for the important question. What do they taste like? How spicy are they? Do the ingredients include onion or any kind of peppers? How much sodium is in it? Would a picky eater who likes everything bland eat it? thanks-just need to know.
I found a site with the nutrition facts. 460 mg sodium per serving is just too much. Does anyone know of a similar or different product with less? Also, something blander-no onions or chili peppers, please
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