Bob's public

Mar 28, 2005
Here and There
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I went up to Bob's shooting range it Salisbury to put some rounds through my new P220. What a sweet gun. The recoil wasn't much different than my buddies 9mm Beretta 9000S. It felt a lot nicer, too. It's feels great in the hand, and feels light for a .45. Definitely the right purchase.

Bob's was a nice find, too. A 10 lane indoor range that allows up to 4 people to a lane at 10 bucks an hour per lane. We spent an hour there, brought our own ammo, bought a handfull of targets, and paid our bill of $11.28. Seemed more than fair to me. I'll be going back.
Martlet said:
I went up to Bob's shooting range it Salisbury to put some rounds through my new P220. What a sweet gun. The recoil wasn't much different than my buddies 9mm Beretta 9000S. It felt a lot nicer, too. It's feels great in the hand, and feels light for a .45. Definitely the right purchase.

Bob's was a nice find, too. A 10 lane indoor range that allows up to 4 people to a lane at 10 bucks an hour per lane. We spent an hour there, brought our own ammo, bought a handfull of targets, and paid our bill of $11.28. Seemed more than fair to me. I'll be going back.

That's a very good price. I'm glad you liked your p220. :D
I own the same piece and I too am enamored with its qualities.

Bob's is pretty cool. The people there are laid back and I do go from time to time. However, on the downside, the ventilation leaves *much* to be desired. The far left two stalls have quirky return mechanisms, and both have malfunctioned on me while shooting there. I don't buy ammo there, but friends who have tried have found that they seem to carry only the bare bones stuff (no .40, no .41 mag, no .32 and no .25) and often, are lacking in a variety of targets. It seems almost every other time I've been there I've had to stop and exit to let a classroom of FID/LTC students shoot. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for people doing this, but with the lady who took 20 minutes to get on paper with the S & W model 41 at 7 yards, well, it got a bit frustrating. :? Especially since I had just prior found that 'sweet spot'... Not crazy about the stuffers being in such a pathetic state, and as a last comment, if I hear the story about X shooting that Viet Cong/Sandanista/Cambodian mercenary with the .45, underwater, one more time, I'm bound to bust a gut in the gentleman's face. :P All said though, as said, it's a pretty cool crowd, it's cheap and for me, convenient.

Hope I haven't ruffled anyone's feathers, but I tend to call 'em like I see 'em.

I was in #2, which is the second from the left. I didn't have any problem with the mechanism, but I hear you about the ventilation. It sucked. When I was signing up he told me to check the website to see when they had classes so I could avoid them.

I would definitely bring everything you need except targets, though, since they don't have much of a shop. He did say he'd just bought out another shop, so he was going to increase his on hand supply to be more of a "display" type store with more things for sale. They were installing cases today.

All that being said, it's a great place to go on short notice with a buddy, particularly if you aren't a club member yet, and shoot for an hour for only 10 bucks.
lhonda said:
Not crazy about the stuffers being in such a pathetic state, and as a last comment, if I hear the story about X shooting that Viet Cong/Sandanista/Cambodian mercenary with the .45, underwater, one more time, I'm bound to bust a gut in the gentleman's face. :P've met Jim I take it! [lol] [lol] The best time to go is on Sunday's or Monday's - Walter is there. That man is WEALTH of information about guns! Jim is there on Tues and Wed's - he teaches the safety course. The shorter heavy guy is Frank, the owner. He's there on Thurs (I think), Fri and Sat's. Sat also has Ed (with the beard and he's a good guy) Sunday they're open 12 to 6. Monday is 10 to 9. The rest of the days they close earlier, so if it's getting to be 5 or 6, call to see if they're open first. :D The vent. system does suck if there's a bunch of shooters, but it's as old as the range is (at least 15 years), as is the target recovery system. We keep telling Walter to tell Frank to put in a hand crank one. No worries about blowing a fuse that way.

Lynne wrote: "'ve met Jim I take it! "

Alas, Mr. X is revealed. Yep, that's the man. Very nice guy, and I've really not a bad word to say about him, but the story he told was far more compelling the first time I heard it told to me (I got the Vietnam version, and the water in question was neck deep in a rice paddy, I believe). When I overheard it told to another guy and the stort was much the same, except took place in a Amazon tributary, I sort of did a double-take, the started cracking up to myself. [lol]

Thanks much for the scheduling trips, Lynne. As my days off are T/W and mostly when I do my shooting there, I guess I'll learn all the other locations of the 'dastardly event' as time goes on... [wink]


My Dad took me to Bob's maybe 12 years ago. Sadly , he is gone now , but he left me his firearms , which is why I finally got off my ass to get an LTC.

Found Bob's a few weeks ago , and it was a shadow of it's former self. I remember cases jammed with rental guns and lots of people and racks of stuff for sale. What I found was two or 3 rentals , an empty building and a gentleman behind the counter who said it gets pretty quiet in there....

On the other hand , a friend just had a bachelors party ( or part of one) there , and arranged for a pair of H&K mp5's for the day. So maybe I was just there on the wrong day ..

I reccomend it to my friends all the time , and keep trying to get my self back to shoot , but I have just discovered the joy of plate & pin shooting , DF&G just offers me more ...
fubar said:
My Dad took me to Bob's maybe 12 years ago. Sadly , he is gone now , but he left me his firearms , which is why I finally got off my ass to get an LTC.

Found Bob's a few weeks ago , and it was a shadow of it's former self. I remember cases jammed with rental guns and lots of people and racks of stuff for sale. What I found was two or 3 rentals , an empty building and a gentleman behind the counter who said it gets pretty quiet in there....

On the other hand , a friend just had a bachelors party ( or part of one) there , and arranged for a pair of H&K mp5's for the day. So maybe I was just there on the wrong day ..

I reccomend it to my friends all the time , and keep trying to get my self back to shoot , but I have just discovered the joy of plate & pin shooting , DF&G just offers me more ...

I'm in Swampscott. I'd love to go to DF&G, but being new to the area, I've yet to meet the required two members for admission.
I went up to Bob's one day last week and he seems to be getting more stuff in. The rifle racks were filling up and there seemed to be more handguns. I had planned to bring up a few milsurps to put on consignment, but at 20%, I may try elsewhere. [roll]
MikeD122 said:
I went up to Bob's one day last week and he seems to be getting more stuff in. The rifle racks were filling up and there seemed to be more handguns. I had planned to bring up a few milsurps to put on consignment, but at 20%, I may try elsewhere. [roll]

He took in a lot of stuff from "Big Al's" which was just over the border in NH. I don't know if he bought it all or if he's doing it on consignment.
Martlet said:
I'm in Swampscott. I'd love to go to DF&G, but being new to the area, I've yet to meet the required two members for admission.

Martlet, I haven't known of a club yet in this area that won't sign off on a membership if you walk in, introduce yourself and tell them you are interested. They may insist on shooting with you (you'd be their guest) prior to signing off, but that is as formal as I've ever known it to get.

Don't get put off by the "two member" requirement.

Let's see, three of the 4 Moderators of this set of forums are members at BR&P (I converted Derek and Brent :) ). Great place, very friendly and family oriented. Lots of folks there every Sunday morning (they serve breakfast on Sundays, except in Summer . . . I don't know when the kitchen will close for Summer). Members are more than eager to show a prospective member around the place.

I joined there in Jan 1999 and just dropped by the place in the Fall of 1998. Met someone I didn't know (turns out that I knew a ton of folks from that club) who just happened to be there when I drove in. He gave me the tour and I filled out an application for membership.

Regrettably, I don't expect to be at Braintree next Sunday. I have some things to finish up by the end of next weekend and may need the time. If I get done early, I may head up to Tyngsboro to shoot instead of BR&P . . . in preparation for some defensive tactics courses starting a month from now.
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