US Surgeon Jackass Murthy: "Guns are a public health crisis" šŸ¤”

So let me get this straight.
This guy who represents our government. Says guns in the hands of our citizens are a public health crisis..
What about all the ones our government owns?
Here kid, take this gun and shoot this other kid. You've been drafted...
But You said guns are bad! Do it Yourself![smile]
Says guns in the hands of our citizens are a public health crisis..
What about all the ones our government owns?
In fairness the jackass said gun VIOLENCE is the health crisis. Still, the medical treatment for the health crisis is ban killy rifle and all that other shit.
Violence is an act. An inanimate object can't do anything on it's own.
What about all the gun "violence" our government has exposed our troops to in all the conflicts they keep getting us involved in?
Painting the kettle black..
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I haven't read past the first post, but I'd just like to say that medical doctors have killed more people with their "treatments" than guns ever have in this country.
In fairness the jackass said gun VIOLENCE is the health crisis. Still, the medical treatment for the health crisis is ban killy rifle and all that other shit.
The solution to this, of course, is to put a WHILE BUNCH of them to death... with FIRE.

The blacks are supposedly "magical" and authoritative now, right? Well, one of their quaint African traditions is something called NECKLACKING:


No guns whatsoever. A tire., petrol, and a match.
The solution to this, of course, is to put a WHILE BUNCH of them to death... with FIRE.

The blacks are supposedly "magical" and authoritative now, right? Well, one of their quaint African traditions is something called NECKLACKING:


No guns whatsoever. A tire., petrol, and a match.
Vid or it didn't happen šŸ˜Ž
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