I envy you your normalcy bias. GLWT.
Go knock on your neighbor's door and ask how much food they have stored. Couple of days? A week? A month? Now look at the FSA who live from EBT refresh to EBT refresh. How long before they decide they are as 'entitled' to your food/fuel/guns/life as they were to your tax dollars filling up their EBT card once a month. It's absurd to think that they would abandon their entitled attitudes. They'd only get worse. Look at the tweets/FB posts when the cards shut down briefly last year. It will make Lord of the Flies look like a tea party. Recent history has shown this to be true. Look at Argentina, Bosnia, etc.
Add in what happens with no gas, no electricity, no home heating oil or propane deliveries, and it will devolve very, very quickly.
What would you do if YOUR kids were starving/thirsty/sick/cold? Where would the needle on your moral compass be?
Would the elderly neighbor or single mother who had food/medicine/fuel/shelter keep it if you were starving?
All questions to ponder; each will have their own answer.
I for one have a lot of XM193 for even up-armored looters. There's surplus 30.06 with steel core for vehicles.
If/when the time comes there will be no warning shots - and no prisoners, as I do not want the responsibility of feeding or housing them. YMMV.