Bought my first rifle M&P 15

I went to the gun show today and decided to pick up a M&P 15 (5.56mm) after thinking for a while about a rifle. Initially I was going to go with a Henry rifle, but the S&W had a better smile factor. This is just going to be a range toy for me. One thing I like about the AR15 is that the customization options are endless. The only thing I wonder about with making any changes is running afoul of the AWB. The MA AWB seems to only cover very specific design features only. Would adding a bi-pod be legal for example? I would also want to invest in a nice scope at some point because this will be a target shooter. Anyways, time to get out shooting. I just hope some nice weather is coming :)

Congrats on your purchase. Doing your homework before making any changes to a mass compliant weapon is the best course of action, as you are clearly doing.

Instead of a bi-pod, I went with a Grip Pod from Grip Pod Systems. For me, it offers a nice balance of vertical grip and bi pod. But there is no real adjustability to the height of the bi pod. It works for me, but it is more of a preference issue. YMMV.
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