Bought myself a new pocket gun

Dec 9, 2011
The peoples republic of Massachusetts
Feedback: 7 / 0 / 0
I picked this up on Wednesday, this is only my second wheel gun. It has an awesome trigger.
I was looking at a bodyguard .38 also but the trigger sold me.
I went to the range last night and tried out the LCR. I am very impressed so far, I did not expect it to be as accurate as it is and found it easy to shoot well. The trigger is excellent and with my handloads I was able to put 10 rounds inside the 8,9,10 ring at 50 feet. I will be spending more quality time with this revolver! Next time I will post pictures.
Great gun. My father and I both have one. When I was shopping for mine, I had an Airweight in one hand and the LCR in the other. Had to go with the LCR because of the grip and it has a great trigger pull.
I went to the range last night and tried out the LCR. I am very impressed so far, I did not expect it to be as accurate as it is and found it easy to shoot well. The trigger is excellent and with my handloads I was able to put 10 rounds inside the 8,9,10 ring at 50 feet. I will be spending more quality time with this revolver! Next time I will post pictures.
Nice. I'm lucky to hit 2 out of 5 at 50 feet with my Smith.

good thing the barrel isn't any shorter or they would have had to finish writing all the warnings on the cylinder.

Great gun. Picked one up last week. Low the trigger and the big trigger guard among a lot of other stuff I like. I am looking into replacing the front sight. Which I love that option too. Thinking about the big dot.
Awesome. My brother has a .38 LCR and it's a fun little gun to shoot. Smooth trigger. I'm not a great shot with it but to make myself feel better I go back to my 6" 686 [smile]
Did you pick up a pocket holster too or are you just going to carry it without one?
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