Braintree RP - Looking to Get into Trap & ARs

Jan 22, 2010
N. Shore
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Just recently joined BRP. Have only handguns currently but looking to get into trap &/or ARs.

The orientation intrigued me. I'd love to learn to shoot trap & an AR. Anyone willing to meet me one morning (weekend) to shoot some trap &/or show me the basics & shooting their AR? I've been looking at different AR's and really don't know where to start.

So, I guess I'm also looking for some info on caliber & make/model AR & shotguns to look at. Advantages/Disadvantages etc. I'm actually going to post a similar post in general about this.

But if anyone is interested in a little training / learning session it would be greatly appreciated. I'd cover any ammo cost for the day.

If you would like an intro to AR's, feel free to come to the BRP rifle range this saturday morning (June 15) at 9AM. The club runs CMP service rifle matches on the third saturday of the month which are geared towards newer shooters. We shoot using the club's 11 Ar's and 12 M1's. If you wish to shoot, the fee is $25 for the match, or feel free to talk to the more experienced shooters about their preferences. My name is Ross, and I run the matches. Not that it means much. I'm also the club secretary, cut the grass, and make the target frames. Look forward to seeing you.
Just recently joined BRP. Have only handguns currently but looking to get into trap &/or ARs.

The orientation intrigued me. I'd love to learn to shoot trap & an AR. Anyone willing to meet me one morning (weekend) to shoot some trap &/or show me the basics & shooting their AR? I've been looking at different AR's and really don't know where to start.

So, I guess I'm also looking for some info on caliber & make/model AR & shotguns to look at. Advantages/Disadvantages etc. I'm actually going to post a similar post in general about this.

But if anyone is interested in a little training / learning session it would be greatly appreciated. I'd cover any ammo cost for the day.


I'd urge you to show up at the trap field Sunday morning just before 12; bring ammo and singles (trap is $3/round for members). The usual trap crew are terrific guys and I can just about guarantee someone will lend you a shotgun and offer you pointers. Have fun!
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