Just recently joined BRP. Have only handguns currently but looking to get into trap &/or ARs.
The orientation intrigued me. I'd love to learn to shoot trap & an AR. Anyone willing to meet me one morning (weekend) to shoot some trap &/or show me the basics & shooting their AR? I've been looking at different AR's and really don't know where to start.
So, I guess I'm also looking for some info on caliber & make/model AR & shotguns to look at. Advantages/Disadvantages etc. I'm actually going to post a similar post in general about this.
But if anyone is interested in a little training / learning session it would be greatly appreciated. I'd cover any ammo cost for the day.
The orientation intrigued me. I'd love to learn to shoot trap & an AR. Anyone willing to meet me one morning (weekend) to shoot some trap &/or show me the basics & shooting their AR? I've been looking at different AR's and really don't know where to start.
So, I guess I'm also looking for some info on caliber & make/model AR & shotguns to look at. Advantages/Disadvantages etc. I'm actually going to post a similar post in general about this.
But if anyone is interested in a little training / learning session it would be greatly appreciated. I'd cover any ammo cost for the day.