Brand New In Box Glock Gen 5 G17


NES Member
Jul 26, 2018
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We just got a few more!

Prices Lowered!

We have 3 Beautiful Gen 5 G17's

Price $760 or Best reasonable offer! Edit: PRICE DROPPED FROM 810 to 760+ tax and transfer! (price reflects cash discount)

760+tax and transfer = 832.50 out the door cash or $865.80 card.

These sold super fast last time so don't miss out!

**************Original Post ****************
I have 2 Gen 5 G17's one with 3 10 rd mags, and one with 2 x 10 round mags.

Glock accidentally shipped one with a 17 round mag. I contacted them about getting another 10rd mag.

Anyway these are Brand New in Box, They are sequential serial numbers xxxx001 and xxxx002 - the X'd out parts match.

If someone wants them as a pair we can work on the price.

Individually they are $810 or best reasonable offer transferred at my shop LegalArmsCo in Littleton at the Mill.

Paid my dealer fee - just waiting for my account to be upgraded.

(click for fullsize)
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New Gen 5 G17's in stock!

Stock, and Brand New in Box with AGrip Suede grip for $30 extra!

Last time these sold super fast.

We have a special running on 17s right now.

We are doing $750+tax and transfer.

Get it while it's hot
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3 in stock.

We also have Raven concealment holsters and custom suede grips we can apply in store.

Should you prefer a stipple job we have someone in the building that is ready to preform a custom stipple job for our customers.
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