Building an AR-15...Question

Oct 9, 2008
Canton, MA
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I bought a LPK this weekend, and am planning on taking a trip out to S&W to buy a lower receiver.

I am looking at uppers now. I have read good things about these folks.

As far as I can tell, a flash suppressor would make this illegal in MA. It seems like all of their rigs come with one. Would anyone care to confirm this? (the "illegal" bit)

What sources can folks that have built an AR recommend for MA legal, quality upper assemblies?

Thanks :)
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LMT is one of the best manufacturers around. They're also one of the main forges. I'm pretty sure they can do compliant builds, but the biggest issue is that they're probably backordered to 2012.
They have compliant complete rifles so I am sure you can get a compliant upper. They will only sell to a dealer so you cannot order directly from them. I ordered a lower through North Shore Firearms...very sweet.
Here is a question that some of you I'm sure have thought of but I have not seen answered.

Is it legal in mass to have a threaded barrel with just a thread protector on it ?

Its the route I went when I purchased my AR57 upper.

as I cannot by law have detachable magazine and have the other California specific evil features, the flash hider is one of them.

But I can have a threaded barrel and hence have put thread protectors on the ends.

Just a thought for you guys out there that have threaded barrels but need to comply with your state law.

Keep in mind there are other sources for barreled uppers as well.

White oak armament comes to mind.
From what I have read, pinned/welded or silver soldered are the generally accepted means of making something qualify as "non-removable".
Thanks for that.

This maybe another option for someone to take then to avoid cutting off the end of a perfectly good barrel. and or avoiding cutting the end off of a 16 inch barrel and turning it into scrap or a NFA only legal item.

From what I have read, pinned/welded or silver soldered are the generally accepted means of making something qualify as "non-removable".
hate to break it to you but lmt is backed up 6 months and theyre concentrating on complete rifles

they do make MA compliant rifles but i have yet to see a ban compliant upper from them alone
They have compliant complete rifles so I am sure you can get a compliant upper. They will only sell to a dealer so you cannot order directly from them. I ordered a lower through North Shore Firearms...very sweet.

They will sell direct to a LEO. Not sure if the OP is a LEO or not but they will sell outside dealer channels.
As long as you're using a thread protector, you might as well just stick a brake on there.

Agreed. For "post-ban" configurations, DPMS substitutes a permanently fixed Miculek muzzle break for the A2 flash hider, and, frankly, this is a better deal, as it significantly reduces muzzle rise and significantly reduces second shot sight acquisition time.
Contact Remsport Mfg.
We will pin and weld any Mass compliant brake on your threaded upper. We can also cut off the threads and do a target crown for you.
We also have some uppers in stock the uppers we have are all custom built.
Check us out at Remsport Mfg in the dealer forum
We also have 1911 frames, barrels and slides available.
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