Bulk Borax?

Jul 25, 2011
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Borax seems to be one of those wonder chemicals I use it in the pool, but it's also laundry detergent and fertilizer. I have been buying mine in the 20 Mule Team box at Walmart for about $4 a box. Has anyone found a source for 50 or 100lb bags? Seems that you should be able to buy this in commercial quantities.
So I used to live real close to where 20 Mule Team Borax is mined (it's named after the number of mules on a wagon team used to haul minerals out of Death Valley in the late 1800s), and even out there I couldn't find bulk Borax. Good luck!
What does it do for your pool?

It is also good for getting rid of carpenter ants.
In the pool it's used to raise the PH or to add borates. The pool stores sell it as PhUp and charge 3x the price. Take a look at www.troublefreepool.com for in-depth info

Good tip, thanks!

Does anyone know if the driveway calcium chloride would also work for pools? Inlaws have a full bag, and I'm betting it's cheaper than the pool version, if it is the same "formula".

You can get off-brand Borax in larger containers, but unless you're going through drums at a time, Walmart will be cheaper.

If you're primarily interested in controlling insects, skip the "Borax" and instead go with Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate. Sold as "Timbor Professional" or "Bora-Care". Also known as sodium octaborate, it is not interchangeable with boric acid.

Does anyone know if the driveway calcium chloride would also work for pools? Inlaws have a full bag, and I'm betting it's cheaper than the pool version, if it is the same "formula".
Some of the driveway calcium chloride bags are nearly 100% pure, will work fine to add hardness, though you probably want to dissolve the pellets in water in a heat-resistant container first.
That would be Boron near the crossroads of us 395 and hwy58.

Near one of my all time favorite shooting and camping spots, bout 10 miles east of california city near Galileo hill.

Back some years ago friends and I saw remnants of the plank road that was used long before paved roads to transport the 20 mule teams of boron.

So I used to live real close to where 20 Mule Team Borax is mined (it's named after the number of mules on a wagon team used to haul minerals out of Death Valley in the late 1800s), and even out there I couldn't find bulk Borax. Good luck!
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