Bye Bye Evans

Doesn't matter what his personal opinion is regarding the 2A and guns. He will surely follow the path already established by his bosses, or else he WILL be unemployed
Boston Police Ask Clergy For Ideas To Stem Gun Violence
Afterward, police Superintendent in Chief William Gross said the group talked about various ways to try to curb violence, including reaching out to young people and their families, instituting a gun buyback program, and encouraging people who are afraid to talk to police to turn over illegal guns to clergy leaders.

"We are a united front, a united front against the violence that's occurring in our streets," Gross said.

"This is not acceptable, what's going on," he added.
Doesn't quite come out and say anti-2A, but clearly playing the party line
Doesn't matter what his personal opinion is regarding the 2A and guns. He will surely follow the path already established by his bosses, or else he WILL be unemployed

Pretty sure a masters in sock puppetry is a requirement for the job.
You'll never even see Mahty's lips move.

Both very true statements. Every police commish in Boston has been a puppet with strings pulled by the mayor.
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