CA - Homeowner Shoots Female Intruder

He shot her just for poking her head through the window? That doesn't sound like reasonable cause for feeling you and your family is in imminent danger of death or grave bodily injury.

If someone smashes one of my windows in the middle of the night, I'm pretty sure they're not just coming by to play a game of happy fun ball.

Sounds like ball ammo was used to pass through COM without damage. A nice JHP to the chest is a different story.

Not necessarily. A JHP can pass through too, especially if it hits on a weird angle, on the edge of the body cavity and/or misses the internal organs. Especially a mushrooming type JHP. The hydro static ones expand greater and have more edges to catch on things.
Not necessarily. A JHP can pass through too, especially if it hits on a weird angle, on the edge of the body cavity and/or misses the internal organs. Especially a mushrooming type JHP. The hydro static ones expand greater and have more edges to catch on things.

This. Not to mention good JHPs are designed to penetrate at least 10-12"+ in a block of balgel, even with the expanded bullet.

This. Not to mention good JHPs are designed to penetrate at least 10-12"+ in a block of balgel, even with the expanded bullet.


Apropos of absolutely nothing, I read that as "10-12"+ in a block of bagel" and thought "wow, that's a huge bagel" and then I got hungry. Cause I love me some bagels.

He shot her just for poking her head through the window? That doesn't sound like reasonable cause for feeling you and your family is in imminent danger of death or grave bodily injury.

So let me get this straight, a 23 year old chick wanting to get in your house, and you shoot her fearing for you life?

Actually, she's 33, the article typoed it. And from the looks of that myspace page, looks like "33 with a lot of mileage". My bet is drugs are somehow involved.

So let me get this straight, a 23 year old chick wanting to get in your house, and you shoot her fearing for you life?

lol EC

If she looked like this woman, then yes.
From the looks of her I would be worried that she had already chewed off my car tires so I could not escape. One would be justified in fearing for their lives.
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