The State Senate Votes today on these bills and more. Please take a moment to reach out to your Senator by email or phone and ask them to oppose these bills.
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LD 2224 - An Act to Strengthen Public Safety by Improving Maine’s Firearm Laws and Mental Health System (Governor's Bill)
- Gun Owners of Maine opposes this bill for 2 reasons: the change in standard under the straw purchase law from knowing to reckless is problematic and we advocate state law matches federal law on this provision. We also oppose the expansion of background checks because it will only apply to those who are law-abiding, won't reduce violent crime, and is completely unenforceable. Also, Commissioner Sauschuck did acknowledge during the work session that this change, coupled with the expansion of background checks, was an attempt to implement some version of universal background checks.
LD 2238 - An Act to Address Gun Violence in Maine by Requiring a Waiting Period for Certain Firearm Purchases(72 Hour Waiting Period)
- Gun Owners of Maine opposes waiting periods. They would decimate gun shows, put an undue burden on law-abiding Mainers who have already passed a background check, and limit self-defense. A right delayed is a right denied.
LD 2086 - An Act to Amend the Law Governing the Disposition of Forfeited Firearms (Machine Gun & Firearm Destruction)
- Gun Owners of Maine opposes this bill as it is a backdoor attempt at an assault weapons ban by classifying legally owned devices as machine guns. It also mandates the destruction of firearms, when they could otherwise be rehabilitated and sold through proper channels. This bill also uncovered a problematic definition of machine gun in state statute that could be read to classify shotguns/bird shot etc. as machine guns because it focuses on projectiles and not actual shots fired.
LD 1696 - An Act to Create a Civil Cause of Action for Persons Suffering Damages Arising from the Sale of Abnormally Dangerous Firearms (Manufacturer Liability) - This has already passed the House!
- Gun Owners of Maine opposes imposing liability on firearms manufacturers, especially when a bill is as poorly drafted as this one. This bill institutes a private civil cause of action for victims to sue manufacturers when a firearm is used to commit harm. This even extends to the manufacturer when they lawfully transferred the firearm. A decent analogy is that this would be the equivalent of suing a car manufacturer for a drunk driver.
The gun control proponents use an argument that toy manufacturers have liability, and gun manufacturers should too. THEY DO. Under federal law, gun manufacturers are liable for malfunctions. However, federal law shields them from being sued out of existence.
LD 2283 - An Act to Enact the Crisis Intervention Order Act to Protect the Safety of the Public (Red Flag)
- Gun Owners of Maine opposes red flag because it lacks the necessary due process needed for the individual who is at risk of losing their constitutional rights. It is also completely unnecessary because yellow flag is an adequate process.
It is an infringement on the 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th Amendments!
Please take a moment and contact your Senator. If you have any issues or have any questions, please email below or call/text 207-649-2677 and identify yourself as a GOME member.
The Gun Owners of Maine Board of Directors
If you have any questions email