LD 1696 - An Act to Create a Civil Cause of Action for Persons Suffering Damages Arising from the Sale of Abnormally Dangerous Firearms


NES Member
Jun 3, 2008
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Work Session Scheduled:​

LD 1696 - An Act to Create a Civil Cause of Action for Persons Suffering Damages Arising from the Sale of Abnormally Dangerous Firearms

Status: Held over from last session, a new work session is scheduled for Tuesday, January 16th at 1pm.

We just got notice of this last evening. We strongly encourage you to submit online testimony for the committee to review for this work session. They will not be hearing public, in-person testimony on this date.
You may remember this bill from the last session, during which the sponsor of the bill, Representative Millett of Cape Elizabeth had difficulty defining what an "Abnormally Dangerous Firearm" actually was.
See this article for a summary of the hearing events last year: Maine Democrat Wants Gun Control for “Abnormally Dangerous Assault Style Weapons” But She Doesn’t Know What That Means

If you wish to see the full text of the bill, click here.

If you wish to submit online testimony, you may do so by following this link, and see the images below for some helpful hints on how to navigate the State's testimony submission website as it may be difficult to find because you need to use the date it was originally heard, May 17, 2023 at 9:00am to make sure you are attaching your testimony to the correct bill.
We will do our best to keep you updated as this and other legislation moves through the Maine State Legislature.

The Gun Owners of Maine Board of Directors

If you have any questions email info@gunownersofmaine.org


If the dipshit can't define it the courts will go with slingshot and above !!! Who in hell votes for these complete a**h***s ??!!!

An Amendment that was just sent out to the Judiciary committee yesterday has been submitted by the sponsor of the bill LD 1696 - An Act to Create a Civil Cause of Action for Persons Suffering Damages Arising from the Sale of Abnormally Dangerous Firearms , Rep. Millett of Cape Elizabeth, making this bill even worse. This bill has a work session TODAY, January 16th.​

In summary, it gives sole subjective authority to anti-gun Maine Attorney General, Aaron Frey, to investigate and fine ($10k - $50k) any person who sells, or offers, or markets a gun, ammo or accessories “in any manner that is unconscionable, unscrupulous, oppressive, or deceptive”, promotes modifications of illegal modifications."

We just got notice of this new amendment, see attached file Sponsor Amend LD 1696 1.16.24.pdf .

Email the Judiciary Committee using JUDMembers@legislature.maine.gov , email your individual Representatives/Senators, and/or submit online testimony using the directions below and stand up for your gun rights.

If you wish to see the full text of the bill, click here.

If you wish to submit online testimony, you may do so by following this link, and see the images below for some helpful hints on how to navigate the State's testimony submission website as it may be difficult to find because you need to use the date it was originally heard, May 17, 2023 at 9:00am to make sure you are attaching your testimony to the correct bill.

We will do our best to keep you updated as this and other legislation moves through the Maine State Legislature.

The Gun Owners of Maine Board of Directors

If you have any questions email info@gunownersofmaine.org
Wonder why they waste their time on bills that are pretty much out of line with Bruen (and 2A in general, including Maine State 2A). This would pretty much make a defacto ban when sellers decide to stop selling firearms into the state in the name of litigation mitigation. I can imagine if this is signed, it would be challenged and then most likely get an injunction and/or be struck down.
This came out of committee as "ought not to pass". Apparently the sponsor was not in attendance to take questions.
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