Lighten up. This climate today is causing more and more folks to get their license and buy a firearm or two before it’s too late, that’s a good thing, and why we’re all on here to begin with.
Just because someone doesn’t have immediate knowledge about these things, and maybe isn’t an experienced researcher (hell I’ve been carrying for 30+ yrs and I still have questions) doesn’t mean you should treat them like a dread lock wearing hippie who stumbled in here smelling like patchouli and pissing in the corner.
We need all the help we can get, no need to chase away a newb just because you didn’t like their question or they didn’t research to your standard.
OP, take it with a grain of salt, most newbs get the lite hazing for a bit after joining, you’ll be fine as long as you have thick skin and aren’t overly sensitive.
Go “Green” (pay your fee to become an actual member) and learn all you can here, it can be an invaluable resource. Welcome to NES, keep your head down for a week and read.