Cancer & Firearms?

You need to make sure your high cap mags are in your will as bequest is the only non-dealer, non-exempt-person transfer allowed under MA law.

If your documented assets exceed $2M (and you are in MA) and you don't have a spouse (who is not subject to estate taxes), consider gifting your spawn enough $$ to bring your estate under the $2M threshold that triggers estate taxes.
I am so so sorry to read this.

If I was in your shoes, I'd sell off everything but the one I was giving to her and do the transfer to her once she gets her LTC.

If you are worried about being around by the time she gets her LTC, then it is important to put it into your will, specifically to her, with the firearm SN.

I'm not sure where you are located, but Precision Point firearms will take them on consignment. You will get market value, minus a 15% commission.
This is MUCH MUCH better than if a FFL buys your whole collection at once. In that case, expect to get 50% or less of used retail value.

If another dealer closer will do consignment, then work with him. Once the guns are transferred to him for sale, they aren't your problem legally speaking anymore. The dealer will just send you or your daughter a check every time a gun is sold.
To some people, a gun is just...a gun.
We know it can be a lot more.
I would write up each one with a bit of personal history thrown in. Describe each in detail with any features or aspects that would add to their intrinsic value. Add in any family lore - "I took three deer with this and we enjoyed venison for months." I shot a perfect score one day and my friends were amazed," "This is the same type of gun used by______ in the movie_____" "I remember listening to the radio while I cleaned it coming back from shooting. The smell of the solvent always annoyed your mom." and so forth.
Start with a detailed description - make, model, caliber, date of manufacture, - maybe a history of the type.
If you still have the original receipt, keep it handy.
All this will help the next owner appreciate the firearm.
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