Question regarding transferring a deceased person's firearms

Jun 20, 2017
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Long story short, my boss sadly took his own life last year. He had two firearms in his possession - A 2nd Gen Colt SAA and an 1873 Winchester. He got them both on a C&R License. His son informed me that the Colt is currently in possession of Holliston PD but the rifle is still at home. Apparently, they are finishing the investigation but they said that they can't give the pistol back because no one in the family has an LTC. I am wondering if there is any way that I, as and LTC holder, could take possession of the pistol through some sort of transfer and would the C&R part of it complicate matters. Help regarding this matter would be much appreciated.
I had a friend get tied up in some unfortunate legal matters a few years back in Tewksbury. He had his LTC suspended. He informed the Tewksbury PD that I had a class A LTC and would transfer the guns to me. I went down to the Tewksbury police station, met with the detective on the case and she and I spent about an hour on the paperwork and I was able to take possession of the firearms for him. To pay his legal fees, we sold most of his stuff on consignment at Four Seasons. Have the family call the Holliston PD and see if they would be willing to work with you.
Long story short, my boss sadly took his own life last year. He had two firearms in his possession - A 2nd Gen Colt SAA and an 1873 Winchester. He got them both on a C&R License. His son informed me that the Colt is currently in possession of Holliston PD but the rifle is still at home. Apparently, they are finishing the investigation but they said that they can't give the pistol back because no one in the family has an LTC. I am wondering if there is any way that I, as and LTC holder, could take possession of the pistol through some sort of transfer and would the C&R part of it complicate matters. Help regarding this matter would be much appreciated.
MA does not recognize C&R.....however....if PD is not too douchy a C&R could go in and take possession of the pistol as an FFL. Likely the PD does not understand what that is, and even mentioning it would complicate matters.

I would tell the family members to instruct the PD to transfer the pistol to you once its free from investigative jail.

With the family's permission (Id go written on this) and maybe a rep from the family at the FFL..... you can just take the rifle to an FFL and have it transferred to you.
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Jesus man sorry about your Boss

The plymouth PD transferred a buds guns to me when he became a PP
No FFL required they actually did the transfers before I ever showed up to the PD (I sent copy of LTC before we made the appointment.
I’ve told this story before they transferred an “illegal AW” (FH collapsable stock etc) that he was charged for having to me. I still have it

Some PDs aren’t complete d-bags so it won’t hurt to ask
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