cant wait much longer

Dec 30, 2008
Holbrook, Ma.
Feedback: 24 / 0 / 0
i put in a application at standish back in early jan. i know they re-up memberships in feb. anyone know how long of a wait i have if i dont get a letter this month?
I'm not a Standish member, but when I looked into them a few years ago they had membership capped off at 250 people and there was a waiting list. When a spot opened, the #1 person on the list got in. I think then it was often a couple of years to get in as a full member. According to their website you can be accepted as a "temporary member", but I don't know what that means.

I said screw it and joined Hanson and am happy there. Have you looked into them? If interested get your app. in before the March meeting and you will be voted in that night and receive a key-pass on the spot.

Good luck,
Old Colony seems to be a little heavy on the stuffy old guys shooting high end double barrel shotguns. They stopped hosting any 3D archery events because the course ran behind the shotgunning fields and those guys wouldn't take 2 mornings a year off.

Also they only allow you to load 5 rounds at a time. In addition to that, the Chief Range Officer actually lives on the grounds and so the indoor range closes at 10:00 PM so he can get some shuteye. Just some things to consider.

The facilities there are pretty nice, but I found Hanson to be more to my liking.
Don't know much about Holbrook, I've heard its a good club.
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