Caracal C

You'll shoot your eye out!
Wear eye protection, interwebs say the caracal has a proclivity to eject casings into shooter's eye...


[rofl] He probably wears pedophile glasses like that too!
Maybe he just didn't have a camera.

I am having a hard time seeing what he did that was a bannable offense. I've seen much worse on here from green members.

I am a big fan of Glocks myself. I just wish they were available in Massachusetts without having to jump through hoops. So alternatives are nice.

That being said, I think I am going to buy an M&P.

If you go take a look at the OP's other threads and posts I think you will understand the ban. He likes to run his mouth an an awful lot and pretty much rail against everyone that has another opinion. That's generally not a great id a if you are not offering anything in return to the forum.

I don't care if the op owned the gun or not, nor do I care what anyone else owns or does to their firearms but its pretty stupid to just start posting crap and insulting other members when the express a different point of view
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