Carbine match 26 Sep 2020

Jan 10, 2010
Feedback: 12 / 0 / 0
For those near the NW corner of CT, NWCSA is holding a Carbine match on 26 Sep 2020. The following is all the info that I have (I don't see it on practiscore, yet):

Northwest Ct. Sportsman’s Association
Open and listed on Practiscore
Match starts: September 26, 2020 @ 9:00 AM · Match ends: September 26, 2020 @ 1:00 PM
177 Route 44
Colebrook, CT 06021
This match will be run using standard IDPA/USPSA rules & range commands.
Competitors will be using semi-automatic, magazine fed rifle with or without scopes, optics, etc.
Pistol caliber, .223, 300BO, .308, etc. NO Magnum Calibers!
- 250 rds of ammunition
- At least 3 magazines
- Magazine carrier/dump pouch
All firearms are to be bagged/cased when brought onto the range, they will be flagged & placed into the racks until your turn is called.
- Check-in starts at 0800 at the rifle range
- Safety briefing at 0845 AM at first stage and match begins at 0900
- Scores will be uploaded to Practiscore
Full rules will be handed out the morning of the Match.
If you are not comfortable being around groups of people, do not sign up for the match. No food or water will be provided. You must bring your own.

Jonah Damon
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